
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thank You Apple Goodies

Justin and I are closing on our house today! To say I am thrilled is an understatement. I can't believe I now own a home with my fiance! Today will be spent cleaning the house from head to toe so that it is ready to move our furniture in on Friday. My mom is coming to town to help us move/ see my classroom/ and visit with some friends. I'm so happy she will be here to be a part of the big move! 

Our realtor and our loan officer have been SO helpful throughout the home buying process. I wanted to do something to express our thanks. Since we are nearing apple season in the Carolina's I decided to make each of them an apple goodie bag with homemade apple dip and a green apple. The dip turned out SO good I ended up making more for us to enjoy. Warning: it's addictive. 

Apple Dip Recipe

To make the apple dip you will need 8 oz of cream cheese softened, 1/2 tsp vanilla, 3/4 cup brown sugar, Carmel topping. The might be the easiest creation ever. All you have to do is mix the cream cheese, vanilla and brown sugar together. (Make sure to mix it well)  Move dip to a mason jar and top with Carmel. 

Turn the dip into a gift by adding a bow and some washi tape. I mean who doesn't love a mason jar with a bow and a colorful label?!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wedding Wednesday & Updates

I can't believe it's already Wednesday!! I had post scheduled for the past two days and never got around to posting them because of how crazy things have been. I have been spending my days working in my classroom getting ready for back to school. The teacher that was in the room before me retired which means she has a lot of stuff. It has been quite the job sorting through everything. I am finally starting to see some progress but still have a ways to go. The countdown is on.. open house is next week!! 

When I'm not getting ready for back to school I have been getting ready for our move. Y'all.. we have our final walk through tomorrow, we close on THURSDAY and will be moving our things into the house on Friday! I can't believe our move in day is finally here! I hope you are ready for all sorts of home related post coming up. (: 

In the few spare moments I have between work and home I have been babysitting the sweetest little one and celebrating all things wedding for my friend Sarah whose wedding day is a mere 44 days away! Speaking of Sarah let's move on to Wedding Wednesday. This weekend I was able to go visit Sarah in Charlotte for her bridal luncheon. Early Saturday morning we headed to the bridal shop to try on our {gorgeous} bridesmaid dresses and pick out our favorite earrings. It's always so much fun being there .. I mean what girl doesn't love to play dress up?! Afterwards we headed to the country club where her reception will be held. We were fed almond glazed chicken, roasted potatoes, green beans and topped it off with homemade strawberry cake. YUM! 

Her aunt then told us we were going to continue a long southern tradition of "ribbon pulling". There were charms tied with ribbon under the bottom of the cake. Each girl pulled the ribbon and revealed there charm. All of them had a card to go with it explaining what the charm meant. I pulled a number seven which said I would live a life of good fortune. Not bad right? (: It was a neat addition to the luncheon! After cake we got to open our gifts which included all things monogrammed. A coat hanger, button up shirt and tumbler all personalized. So sweet! I forgot to snap a picture of the goodies but I did steal this one from another bridesmaid. 

Her grandmother made this beauty!!

Sarah pulling her ribbon 

later in the evening going out for dinner

I may be busy but it also has me counting my blessings.. such good friends, a new house and a job I love. What more could I ask for?! 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Oreo Layer Cake

Oreo Layer Cake 

1 package family size oreos 
6 tbsp butter, melted 
8 oz cream cheese, softened 
1/4 cup sugar 
2 tbsp milk + milk needed to make pudding 
1 package chocolate pudding 
12 ounce cool whip 

Start by crushing oreos. Lay a handful to the side to garnish the cake with at the end. Layer 1: Combine the rest of the oreos with your melted butter. Press the mixture into the bottom of a 9 x 13 pan. Let cool in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Layer 2: Combine cream cheese, sugar, milk and 1 1/4 cup of the cool whip. Spread mixture over layer 1. Layer 3: Spread out prepared chocolate pudding on top of layer 2. Layer 4: Spread the rest of the cool whip over the pudding. Finish by topping off with the crushed oreos you set aside. Enjoy! 

Friday, August 8, 2014

Five on Friday

Happy Friday! Let's go ahead and get right to it.. 

Found here by The Digital Studio on Etsy
I think this print needs to come home with me. North Carolina + gold foil print= Love! 

aren't they cute? I just love this picture from their engagement shoot! 

This weekend I am making my way to Charlotte for one of my very close friends bridal luncheon. I can't believe how close it is getting to her wedding day!! This is the first wedding I've ever been in as a bridesmaid which means it will also be my first bridal luncheon. I'm so excited!! To make it better our fiances have become friends through us so Justin gets to come with me. He will be golfing with the boys while us girls do our thing. Yay for a fun weekend! 

I don't know what it is about this summer but for some reason I can't get enough heavenly hash ice cream. It's almost become a nightly routine and that my friends is not okay. Let's hope August brings on some healthier eating habits for me. 

Y'all.. I had to say goodbye to my engagement ring for almost THREE WEEKS as it was at the jewelers being sized. I can't tell you how many times people have said "let me see your ring!" only for me to tell them it's at the jeweler. Thank goodness I am getting it back today!! My ring finger is way to bare and missing it's bling. (;

We are only 6 days away from moving into our new house!! I know patience is a virtue but I'm just so excited! I secretly hope these next few days fly by! 

Have a great weekend! 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

It's that time! Back to school

I can't believe it's already back to school time!! Yesterday was my first day getting into my classroom and starting the set up process. School doesn't officially start back for another week and a half but today was the first day teachers could get in and begin working on their classrooms. As much as I look forward to summer break at the end of the school year, it never fails that come August I am champing at the bit to get in my classroom and start another school year. Last night I was reflecting on my first day working in my classroom. I was there ALL day moving furniture, going through the leftover belongings of the teacher before me, organizing or trying my best to get a vision of how I wanted the classroom to look. It was exhausting yet there is no where else I would have rather been. All I could think about was how excited I am to return and continue working today. This is only my third year teaching but it's also three years in a row that I have experienced the back to school excitement. I truly hope I never loose the joy and love of back to school time. 

Today I am thankful for the opportunity to have a career I love. I am a firm believer of the saying "if you love what you do you'll never work a day in your life." 

..and just for fun(:  This is oh so accurate... especially with the fact I am moving into a new house, starting a new school/moving into a new classroom and planning a wedding. 

Note: When summer "rest" has worn off and I am knee deep in paperwork, testing, trainings, etc someone please remind me of this post. (; 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Wedding Wednesday: The Inspiration

Since the reality that I am planning a wedding sank in and let's be real.. even before I was engaged, I would browse wedding inspiration boards to get an idea of the type of overall look and color scheme I want to incorporate into my wedding. I have always had an idea of the type of look I am going for but looking at these pictures has really helped me start to think about the details more closely. Thank goodness for sites like Style Me Pretty and Pinterest!

Other than gathering inspiration photos wedding planning has slowed down a teensy bit for me. Since we already have the ceremony and reception venue booked, the date set and a photographer hired I'm not in the same rush I had been in. Don't fret though.. there is still TONS to do and thanks to the many wedding planning checklist out there I haven't forgotten about my to-do list. I'm going to post parts of my wedding planning checklist on here so that I can always look back and remember every detail of the planning process and also to keep me accountable. 

For 12 months from the wedding day the Knot Checklist suggest I:
  • Start inspiration boards
  • Decide on a city and season
  • Start guest list 
  • Choose bridal party 
  • Set engagement party date 
  • Decide on wedding colors
  • Book the ceremony and reception venue 
  • Finalize guest list 
  • Book the officiant 
  • Find a photographer 
  • Begin researching caterers 
It feels good to be coming along on the checklist. I just love being able to cross things off! By the end of August I should be able to cross off finalizing the guest list, booking the officiant and start researching caterers. Happy Planning! 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Birthday Weekend

Birthdays that fall on a Friday are the absolute best because you get to celebrate all weekend! It was a rainy weekend at the beach but that didn't stop us from celebrating! When I came home from babysitting on Friday I had all sorts of goodies waiting for me. After gifts and visiting with everyone we headed to dinner with my dad, sister, Justin and his parents to one of our favorite local spots, Boardwalk Billy's. This restaurant has a gorgeous view overlooking the water and always has live music playing. While we were at dinner one of my best friends from college got engaged!! Congratulations Maghan! 

I LOVE my new classroom sign!! 

I was thanking my sister for the earrings she got me. They are the symbol for friendship because she said I was her best friend. It doesn't get sweeter than that my friends. (:

Saturday morning was rainy which made for the perfect time to sleep in and take it easy. Does it get better than a rainy Saturday morning.. especially, with family in town, homemade french toast, bacon, coffee and fresh flowers! Perfection! We finally got our act together Saturday and headed to the mall to take advantage of tax free weekend. I was able to score some pretty awesome deals on fall clothes and a pair of Frye boots!! I have been wanting a pair of Frye's for FOREVER but didn't want to pay the full price. I finally lucked up when I had a gift card I could apply, a $30 off coupon, no tax AND 25% off because the guy helping us was awesome. Now I am ready for cooler weather so I can start wearing them around!! We made it back Saturday night just in time to enjoy a seafood dinner and homemade strawberry lemonade cake made by Justin's mom. It was all SO delicious! 

Finally!! I'm still so excited!

Sunday was spent at Newspring Church, Cracker Barrel, and at a celebration of life for Justin's grandfather. Sunday was a good reminder of just how important your faith and family is. 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Decorating: Living Room

Remember the house we found and put an offer on way back at the beginning of summer? If not you can read about it here. We are FINALLY about to close on it and will be moving in next week! I'm so excited I could just squeal. It seemed like it was the longest process ever but I know it will all be worth it when me and Justin can officially call it our home! The first room on my agenda to start decorating is the living room. We are so lucky that Justin's parents are going to let us use a couch they have until we get one and Justin already has a TV. That leaves lots of room for me to start dreaming about an accent chair, curtains, a rug, throw pillows, lamps, the list could go on and on. I tend to gravitate towards neutral colors and light blue. Here is some of my inspiration for the living room. 

I would LOVE some printed curtains like the ones shown here. 

All of the rooms are very similar in style. I don't know how I would describe the look. I just know it is completely ME. Love love love!! Now the search begins for:

-A neutral rug, possibly in a fun pattern! 
-A fabric ottoman
-throw pillows
-neutral curtains in a fun print
-wall art
-accent chair 
-table for behind the couch

I know I can't get it all at once but I like to know where I'm headed and pick little things up here and there! What is your living room style?

Friday, August 1, 2014

Birthday and Georgetown

Happy Birthday to me! 

 Fridays are always fun but even more so when it's your birthday! As of today I'm officially 24. 

My dad and sister are in town this week. Yesterday we visited Georgetown, SC and Murrels Inlet. It was SO nice to spend some quality time with them. I haven't seen my sister ALL summer so we were long overdue. I have never been to Georgetown. It was like a hidden treasure! The town reminds me of Southport and Beaufort, NC. It is the third oldest city in SC so you can imagine the charm that comes with that. 

 The long brown building in the background is the paper mill. 

Kaminski House

me and dad

the sister and I

1- please ignore my hair. We got caught in the POURING rain. 2- early birthday present to myself. Love this blue and white pot! 

My dad has bought the same pair of white tennis shoes for as long as I have known him. This weekend he showed up in bright orange and grey shoes. To say we were in shock is an understatement. 

Applewood trail mix pancakes. 

I'm so glad we got to spend the day together!