
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Fall on the front porch

This past weekend was the first time it truly felt like fall in the Carolina's. October rolled around, the temperature dropped and mums are right around every corner. There is something so refreshing about the season. I love everything fall has to bring! This weekend Justin and I decided to stay home to relax and work around the house some. It was the absolute perfect weekend in my opinion! We cleaned the house AND our cars, spent lots of time with Henson, made a big pot of spaghetti and got the front porch ready for fall. 

I knew before we even found this house that I wanted rocking chairs on the front porch. It was just a matter of waiting for the right time to get them. We knew we couldn't have pumpkins and flowers on the front porch without any rocking chairs to sit and view them in! We found the perfect chairs at Home Depot. I am in l-o-v-e. Now to just find a little table to put in the middle. 

Of course Henson had to check out the pumpkins.

Every time I walk outside and see the mums, pumpkins and rocking chairs my heart smiles!! Happy girl! Fall please take your time.. (:


  1. Love your front porch. It's the one thing I wish our home had. But for now I'll settle for my back porch with my rocking chairs (; And have you considered a colorful garden stool between those rocking chairs instead of a small table? It'll add a cute little pop of color! Just thought Id throw that out there :P

  2. I adore your front porch! I've been trying to decide what I want to do with ours, we have huge columns & a long narrow front porch, so I think some rocking chairs like yours or benches would look great...who knows, maybe I'll blog about it!
    PS. Henson is SO cute!

    xoxo, SS

  3. I would love to have rocking chairs on my front porch one day! And your puppy is so adorable. Love chocolate labs.

    Ellen | A Pop of Pink


Sweet Thoughts(: