
Friday, November 21, 2014

Five on Friday

I'm linking up this Friday for five on Friday. Thanks to the host: A.Liz AdventuresCarolina CharmThe Good Life, and Hello Happiness. Can I just say how excited I am that it is FRIDAY. To top it off it's jean day at work.. it's the little things. (:

One. Thanksgiving 

I'm so excited for Thanksgiving coming up in less than a week! I've been brainstorming what to bring to J's family Thanksgiving and have narrowed it down to cooked carrots or sweet potato casserole. I don't think you can go wrong with either. We are spending Thanksgiving day with Justin's family and then making the drive to Reidsville to spend the rest of the weekend with my family. I'm so excited for all of the cooking, a little black Friday shopping and time with our families! 

Two. Guest bedroom

I planned on starting to paint our guest bedroom this week but geez, I just have no energy after work! It didn't help I had appointments after the school day three times this week which caused me to get home even later. Anyways, I'm hoping, fingers crossed, to start painting this weekend. Right now there is no room in the house that is finished as far as decorating so I would like to at least get one room done. The guest room seems like a do-able task because it only requires a little paint, a night stand and some decorative pieces. 

Three. Flannel Sheets 

It has been so cold around here lately!! I found these adorable holiday flannel sheets at Target and knew I had to have them. Warm, cozy, soft.. I might not be leaving my bed after I get these on. 

Four. Ebates 

Have any of you ever used Ebates? I was skeptical of the sight for a while until one of my friends told me about their success. Now I LOVE it! It's free money and who doesn't like free money?! How it works is Ebates pays you cash back every time you shop online. For example a while back I bought a pair of Jack Rogers from Nordstrom online. Ebates sent me a check in the mail for a percentage of the purchase. I was going to buy those shoes whether I joined Ebates or not so why not get the free money?! If you want to try it out click here. ..and no, I was not asked or paid to say this. I just really love how it works! (: 

Five. Magazines 

I've always loved to pick up a good magazine but have never subscribed to any myself. I get all of the old Southern Livings and Southern Lady from my grandmother and mom but when they come in a month or two late it's just not the same. I finally signed up for a subscription to Southern Living. Yay for exciting mail days ahead! 

1 comment:

  1. I need to see if those sheets come in a King size, because they look so comfy! & I love Southern Living (& Better Homes!) but I haven't worked myself up enough to get a subscription yet, I'm still living off of my Mama's old ones!

    xoxo, SS


Sweet Thoughts(: