
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

My Favorite Things: My Christmas Wish List

I'm linking up today with A Liz Adventures, Cheers Y'all, Miss Dixie and Southern Style today for These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things aka my Christmas wish list! 

1. Custom address stamp: New house, new last name (come August), new address stamp! It's only right to add this pretty stamp to my stationary collection! 
2. This blanket scarf has been on my wish list since LAST year. I have one with a similar plaid print but it's just not long enough to wear the way I would like to. This blanket one is PERFECT.
3. Naked eyeshadow: I am normally VERY cheap when it comes to eye shadow. Think $1 ELF brand. I don't like to splurge on eyeshadow so it would be the perfect gift! I've almost bought myself this pallet a few times and always ended up putting it back. 
4. Flats!:  For some reason I have had NO luck in the flats department this year. I wear flats to work almost every day. My shoes from last year are completely worn out so I have been on the hunt for a new pair. I have ordered {and returned} SO many pairs of flats this fall. I just can't find any I like. I need help! 
5. Pottery Barn Mercury vase: I'll make it easy and just say any home decor from pottery barn will have this girl smiling. We still have lots of decorating to do in our house! I do love these PB Mercury vases! 
6. Matte Hunter boots in dark green or black. I can't decide on the color but I have decided I want a pair! I have held out on the Hunter kick for a while but now with all the rain we get at the beach and all of the extra time spent outdoors with Henson I'm really wanting some rain boots! 
7. Camera: This is my biggest wish list item and also the one I want the most! It always works that way doesn't it(: I'm still researching brands to decide what would be best for me. I would love to have a nice camera to use when my I phone just can't do the trick. 
8. Socks: No, this is not a boring gift. I NEED/want socks!! My dad and I had a little miscommunication last year when I was moving my things home for summer that ended with ALL of my winter socks/hose/gloves, etc. to be donated to goodwill. I'm glad those things went to people in need however now I am also in need- of socks! (: 
9. Gloves: Those that know me know cold weather is NOT my thing. When the temperature falls below 50 I pull out the gloves, scarves, ear muffs, etc. I especially love these cute ones from Anthropologie. 

What's on your Christmas wish list? I'd love to see!! Link up and join the fun! 


  1. Hi! I'm visiting from the linkup and I love your picks!! Hunters are on my list too! And trust me, you will love the Naked more than anything else. I just got the first one a few months ago (a little late I know) but seriously love how smoothly the colors go on. And that address stamp is so cute & classy- hope Santa is good to you! xo


  2. Love your picks! I would love to find the Naked eye palette under the tree for sure! And my Hunters are the best - definitely a great wish list item! Thanks for linking up! Xo

  3. Stopping by from the link up! I love everything on this list especially the camera idea! I have a photography business & love Canon. I would totally suggest a Canon Rebel t3 or t3i. I used the t3 for a year before upgrading to a professional priced one, haha. That's just my opinion though! xoxo


  4. Now this is a Christmas list I can absolutely get down with! I have a self addressing custom stamp (got it from groop dealz for like $16) and it is AMAZING!!!! So cute and WAY better than handwriting my return address or using an ugly sticker. And yes girl, a DSLR is gonna change your life! An investment for sure, though!


Sweet Thoughts(: