
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wedding Wednesday

I can't believe it's already Wednesday! Having the day off work yesterday has me mixed up on my days of the week. Speaking of yesterday I hope everyone had a chance to thank a Veteran! Justin and I actually took our engagement pictures yesterday! I absolutely cannot wait to get them back and share!! 

I'm way late on this post but that is okay. Better late than never right?! When Justin and I got engaged I really wanted an opportunity to celebrate in my hometown with my close family and friends. It's rare we are able to get all of my childhood friends and bridesmaids together and I truly cherish the moment when we can. My parents threw us an "I Do BBQ" back in September. My mom and I worked together to plan all of the little details right down to invitations and a signature drink (which was bourbon lemonade and turned out to be the hit of the night.. recipe to come)  We had SUCH a good time celebrating with everyone! I would have more pictures of the set up but like I said I was just so excited to see everyone and celebrate that by the time I started taking pictures of the food and decorations it was getting dark. My mom was able to light up our back deck and yard using string lights and lanterns. I'm sad I couldn't capture that in a picture but the laughs and conversations with old friends makes it worth it. I did get lots of pictures of everyone though so I'll let those do the talking. (: 

My little in ZTA, my big and myself were all engaged when this picture was taken(: 

So what happens when this many girls get together? Oh you know, just a little Shania Twain, TLC and Spice Girl song and dance session. I am so thankful for such a loving group of family and friends! Thank you for making this night so special for Justin and I! 

1 comment:

  1. It looks like y'all had an absolute blast! Congratulations on your engagement :)
    I recently got engaged as well & I love the idea of doing an "I Do BBQ"!
    Can't wait to see how your engagement pictures turn out!

    xoxo, SS


Sweet Thoughts(: