
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Thanksgiving Recap

There really is nothing better than having a chance to spend time with family, eat an unhealthy amount of food, and rest up. We had such a nice Thanksgiving this year! This was Justin and my first Thanksgiving spent together. We spent Thanksgiving day and a couple nights in his hometown. His family fried two turkeys and cooked a Boston butt along with a million other delicious side dishes. The Friday after Thanksgiving Justin had to work so I packed up and headed to my parents home with Henson. My sister and I have started a tradition and go to Greensboro to do a little shopping on black Friday. We are always happy to see a good sell! I spent the whole weekend at home and it was SO nice and definitely much needed! I was able to catch up with a few of my best girl friends, have a second Thanksgiving with my family and then spend lots of time in bed resting when I caught a cold. No fun with that last part. I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking. (:

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! 


  1. Looks like y'all had a lovely Thanksgiving. I always do my black Friday shopping online. I am afraid of the crowds. We visited the outlets last year in Smithfield which were not bad but overwhelming for sure!

  2. Look like a great weekend! Did you end up getting a camera when Black Friday shopping?! I got the Canon T5 I was hoping for!!

  3. sounds like a perfect Thanksgiving to me (:


Sweet Thoughts(: