
Friday, January 16, 2015

Five on Friday

Happy Friday friends!  I'm linking up today for Five on Friday with DARCICHRISTINALIZ, and NATASHA

Last weekend this area of the state was blessed with an amazing 70 degree and sunny day. It's January so that is rare but welcomed. I wanted to make the most of the day because let's be real.. we probably won't see another day like that until April. I broke out the shorts, took Henson on a hour long walk, Justin did some outdoor yard work and we even made a trip to the beach. Can you tell we were happy? I think Henson had the best day though. He l-o-v-e-s the beach. Not so much the waves but he is a big fan of chasing seagulls and playing catch in the sand. It was such a fun day I just had to share! 

Fun fact: Justin threw the tennis ball but every single time Henson brought it back to me. He's a mommas boy for sure (; 

With a lot of things going on right now it has been a very overwhelming and trying week. Somehow though every tough day has just worked itself out and turned out just fine. I know there is power in prayer and this quote says it all so well. 

I am hunt for a new table centerpiece. With all of our Christmas decorations down everything just seems so bare! I'm loving the idea of a tray, or wooden box with flowers or decor in it. I'm open for suggestions! Here are some of my favorite inspiration photos so far: 

American Sniper comes out this weekend and I cannot wait! I have heard such great things about this movie. I'm normally not into war movies but something about this one seems different. We have a day time movie date planned for the three day weekend!! Yay for fun times ahead! 

I have seriously been loving my NYX stick blush lately. It gives you a dewy glow and is super affordable. (Under $10) It's also a nice change to the normal powder blush I've used for years. If you are looking for a change I suggest giving this a try! 


  1. Have a nice long weekend friend (: & I'm a bit jealous of the weather you guys have had lately!

  2. Oh a warm day at the beach sounds amazing right about now!! Hope you have a great weekend lovely!

  3. I went to see American Sniper last night & it was an amazing movie. It will change you though, it definitely made me even more appreciative for not only what the soldiers do for us, but also their families sacrifices!

    xoxo, SS

  4. There is nothing better than a running pup picture :) :)

  5. I've had great luck with NYX products. I need to give the blush a try. I still need to see American Sniper. I've heard great things about it, but just haven't had time!


Sweet Thoughts(: