
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Cleaning Stainless Steel

I absolutely love our stainless steel appliances but they have proven to be a pain to keep clean. Every time I clean them they end up streaky with water spots and fingerprints on them. I have been meaning to try out new ways of cleaning them and finally had the time on our snow day. (Which was really a sleet day because we have not gotten any snow..) 

I just used distilled vinegar and a drop of dish detergent. 

Combine a cup of the vinegar and a small squirt of dish detergent into a spray bottle and shake it up. Spray onto a microfiber rag (or any sponge but the microfiber ones don't scratch) and wipe down your appliance's going in the direction of the grain. I didn't realize it mattered which way you wipe but sure enough it does! 

Look at all of those water streaks! 

Streaks are gone and they are shining like crazy! 

For tougher jobs with stainless steel pots and pans switch out the dish detergent for baking soda. It really does the trick! I went a little crazy cleaning everythingggg in the kitchen.. (refrigerator handles, sink, toaster, dish washer, etc). 


  1. great tips! Our apartment has stainless steel appliances and I always struggle to remove the streaks. I'll have to try this trick.

  2. It really makes a difference what products you use! I'm going to have to try this on our appliances, and who thought the answer would be so simple!

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista

  3. I'm totally going to do this to everything in my kitchen this weekend. Love the tip!

  4. Thank you my friend! I was about at my wit's end trying to get the smudges off of my fridge last weekend! Totally bookmarking this post for next time.


Sweet Thoughts(: