
Friday, January 22, 2016

Five on Friday-Cold Edition!

It's that time again. I'm linking up for Five on Friday.

One. Henson gets a little spotlight today because he is the cutest thing ever. I'm allowed to say that! I don't normally buy Henson soft toys because he goes through them so quickly. I'm talking 30 minutes and there is stuffing all over the floor. He has lots of bones, balls and chew toys just not the soft ones but those happen to be his favorite. I randomly decided to buy him this little stuffed duck last week. Not only has he not torn it to shreds he has been toting it around EVERYWHERE he goes. He sleeps with it, plays with it and just carries it around with him. It is adorable. I love that little furry boy!! 

Two. I don't know what has been going on with my cooking this week but it has been on point. I tried several new recipes: Honey Dijon chicken breast, citrus smoked pork chops, southern style black eyed peas and collard greens. What?? I love cooking but don't normally cook like that. I may just have to start though because everything turned out SO good. I blame it on the cold weather making me want all the comfort food! All of the recipes came out of my new cookbook South Your Mouth. She has a ton of recipes on her website for free if your in the mood for some true southern cooking! 

Three. There is snow all over NC!!! ..but not here. We live at the coast on the border of NC and SC which is right about where the winter mix line ended. We did however get enough  freezing rain to cause a two hour delay at school. I'll take it! The two extra hours this morning gave me enough time to sleep in a little bit, cook breakfast and pack lunch for Justin and myself, wash a load of clothes and type up a blog post. I can only imagine what all I could accomplish with two more hours in a day! Side note- while I was typing up this post I was listening to the Happy Hour with Jamey Iivey podcast which I have really been enjoying. I'd love to find some new podcast though.. if you have a favorite send it my way!! 

Four. Let's talk shopping deals for a minute. I've always tended to pay a little more for shoes and jeans. I like good quality for the two... I want my shoes to be comfortable and look good. Same with jeans, I have just always preferred the fit of designer jeans. Well anyway, last weekend I decided I just "had to have" a new pair of black jeans and a pair of black booties. I wanted to go with my favorite tried and true Paige denim brand and a pair of booties from Nordstrom that were not be any means cheap. I just couldn't bring myself to pay that much for the two items this time though. Maybe because I knew in my head it was a slight impulse decision. I decided to try my luck at the Tanger Outlets and was blown away when I found a perfect pair of black jeans (that fit PERFECT... and I'm super picky) at Banana Republic outlet for only $40! I also found an adorable pair of black booties at the Nine West outlet for only $30. I walked out with both items without breaking the bank. Oh happy day! 

Five. I'm not normally this excited about football but oh my word the Panthers have been doing SO GOOD! This Sunday we will find out if they make it to the Super Bowl or not. To make it better the game falls on my brother in laws birthday so I will get to watch with the whole family together celebrating. Fingers crossed for a win! Go Cats! 


  1. Oh my goodness, Henson and his duck is just way to adorable! What an awesome deal on your jeans and booties - outlets are the absolute best!

  2. Girl, I'm so jealous of everyone and their snow!! We're right on the border of getting some tonight, but we're only expected to get flurries. Boooo. Have a great weekend!

  3. My dog tears up all his stuffed toys as well. That is adorable that Henson decided to love on the duck for awhile!

  4. The Tanger Outlets are the best. I always find some great clothes at LOFT. My dog is the same way about toys. I bought one of those Kong rubber balls and its been the best investment. He loves when I fill it with peanut butter.

  5. I love the LOFT and Banana Republic outlets at Tanger. I will be cheering on the panthers during this crazy storm! Jess at Just Jess

  6. Henson is adorable! My dog Humphrey has a stuffed animal he loves to carry around with him too =)

  7. I've been cooking lots of comfort food the past two weeks too! I love the Around the Table podcast! And the Sorta Awesome podcast is a great one too!

  8. I need to get that cookbook! Yum!! Also, BR jeans are amazing! I had a gift card there and really wanted a pair of super dark denim last year and wound up buying a pair with a gift card and they are now one of my absolute favorite pairs of jeans!

  9. I love when Henson makes the list, he's so adorable!

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista


Sweet Thoughts(: