
Monday, January 18, 2016

Living Room updates

Justin and I moved into our house almost a year and a half ago. Since then we have worked on decorating and filling it a little bit at a time. It is crazy to think just how far we have come in such a short amount of time! Our house is no where near finished as far as decorating. There really isn't one room I would say is "finished". That's part of the fun though.. always adding and changing to finally see it start to come together! Today I am going to show you our living room which like I said is not finished but has come a long way. It's definitely not "pinterest perfect" but I like to be able to look back and see how things have changed! You can see our living room a year ago here

Since I last posted a picture of our living room we added two mirrors and four prints to the wall. This was such a large wall space and I was at a loss on how to fill it! I think I like how it turned out though!

Two of my favorite accessories in this room. My mom found that blue and white lamp for us that I LOVE and Justin gifted me the Labrador pillow for Christmas which makes my heart smile every time I read it. 

This rug is also new. Believe it or not Justin picked it out ALL by himself. Love! Next up on the list is a new couch. So there you have it friends.. our living room! Where lots of blogging, Netflix and Bachelor watching occurs. Speaking of.. whose watching tonight?! I can't wait! 


  1. Very pretty rug!!! He did good!

  2. Loving your living room!! That lamp is gorgeous and I love the mirrors!! :)

  3. I love the rug!

  4. Love the updates you've done to the living room!! It's so adorable and cozy! I am obsessed with that rug and when I saw the Everett table on pinterest, I had to have it and now we have it in our family room lol


Sweet Thoughts(: