
Friday, January 8, 2016

Oh hey, Friday!

Whew, this has been one long week. Coming back to work after having two weeks off has made this week seem longer and has left me just exhausted. That is okay though because this weekend I have nothing on the agenda except food, family and rest! Moving on to today's five...

One. Fitbit
I got a Fitbit for Christmas and have really gotten into it. I thought getting my 10,000 steps in every day would be easy but I definitely have to put in a little extra effort! I think Henson is benefiting from it as well since he is getting much longer walks now. (; If you have one and want to be friends let me know! I think that is part of the fun and adds to the competition part! I think you can search for friends by email, mine is Look me up! 

Two. Date night
Justin and I made a resolution to go on two date nights a month and had our first one last night. It was kind of fun to plan it for a week night and gave me something to look forward to!  We went to dinner and to see Sisters at the theater. That movie is downright hilarious.. (and just a tad bit inappropriate) I have a sister so it was funny to see the two different personalities the sisters in the movie had. 

Three. Food and Family 
Justin and I are heading to his parents for the weekend to meet their new puppy, Charlie. We are welcoming him in with a family oyster roast. Any reason to celebrate right?! My devotional this week has talked about the importance of cherishing every moment and what a blessing it really is to sit around the table with family and break bread (or oysters...). These are the kind of moments I do not want to take for granted! 

Four. Random
Random iPhone pictures that never made it to the blog but are still worth sharing! 

I know I'm  biased but he is seriously the cutest pup ever!

date night back in December... love this man of mine!

how cute are these plates?!

Five. There is no five this week because it's the week back to work after two weeks off and my brain is fried... coffee, please. more coffee! Have a great weekend friends!


  1. One of our goals this year is to have 1-2 date nights a month and take turns planning them! We love date nights but sometimes get too busy to go out on an actual date, so when we do we are reminded just how much we love them lol. They are so important!!

    Have a great weekend! :)

  2. Do those plates have a wine holder? If so, that's adorable. I love the housewives. Your pup is so cute. Is he a chocolate lab? I was just telling someone that I like the fitbit because it makes me be more proactive. I won't leave the gym until I hit that daily 10,000 step requirement. The badge gives me a sense of accomplishment for the day lol. The competition side of it can be so much fun too. One day my friend and I would not give up. We ran it all the way down to the last few minutes to see who would win ( I won ;P ). I've been slacking here lately though. All I want to do is stay bundled up underneath the covers.

    Kaitlyn @

  3. Ok I need these wine glass holding plates in my life. I am definitely going on a search for some.

    This week felt like it dragged on forever. So hard to get back into a routine after two weeks of relaxation. Love that you are committing to regular date nights- so important!

  4. I also got a FitBit for Christmas and love it. It amazes me how much I can walk around school during the day (I find myself walking laps around the building on my off periods).


Sweet Thoughts(: