
Monday, January 4, 2016


This weekend marked the end of my Christmas break from at work and I am SO sad to see it go. The time off was much needed and enjoyed. We kicked off our weekend a day early, since New Years Eve fell on a Thursday. I had three of my friends from college come into town with their husbands as well as a few other friends over at our house on NYE. We cooked oysters, ate way too spicy Texas chili (this was my mistake-- I tried a new recipe and it was SO spicy!!) and popped lots of champagne. We had a party bus rented out for the night to take us around town. This was SO much fun! We were able to blast music, dance around and spend time with each other bar hopping without any worry of having to find a cab. 

In Southport.. it's just gorgeous there! 

New Years day we rested up and enjoyed the traditional meal of black eyed peas, collard greens, pork and cornbread with Justin's family. We did the same thing last year on New Years day and had a very blessed 2015 so let's hope the luck continues in 2016! We also opened an envelope that has been sealed since Jan 1st of last year. Everyone in his family wrote their wish for the upcoming year and then it stayed sealed until this year when we opened them up to see if our goal had come true. A new tradition in the making! Saturday we met my mom in Southport for lunch and then headed on to Wilmington to celebrate Christmas with Justin's side of the family that we had not celebrated with yet. It was a very nice weekend that I am SO sad to see go! 

We also ended the weekend with the best news ever!! One of my friends and a bridesmaid in my wedding got engaged! Congratulations Jessica! Let the festivities begin! 


  1. Such a fun weekend and New Year's. Taking a party bus sounds like the best idea ever!!

  2. Wow what a fun weekend!! Renting a party bus sounds so fun and like such a good idea! Love your outfit in the first picture, so cute!!


Sweet Thoughts(: