
Friday, May 20, 2016

Friday Five

Hello, Friday! It has been quite the week at work. We have the countdown on for the end of the school year. (ONLY 12 more school days!!!) It is taking every bit of energy I have to keep my little ones engaged. This weekend we don't have anything too crazy planned, just some rest, babysitting, house cleaning, and grilling out with friends. Bring it on 4:00 pm!

One. Happy Mail. I LOVE when I get my new Our State and Southern Living magazines in the mail each month. Just seeing the always gorgeous seasonal covers makes me so excited! I'm planning on making my own Southern Sip this evening and digging in to the newest editions! 

Two. Speaking of Southern Sips, or maybe just refreshing sips I have a new favorite cocktail. I don't drink a lot of mixed drinks (I prefer wine/beer) but I'll be making an exception for this drink. Alexandra at Alexandra Bee Blog gave me the idea. I couldn't find coconut La Croix that she suggested so I used grapefruit with citrus vodka and a lime. It is SO refreshing and perfect if you don't care for sugary/juice mixers. It is going to be my go to drink during the hot summer that will soon be here! 

Three. It is no secret that I ADORE my dog, Henson. He has been cracking me up all week with his teddy bear. He can rip through a stuffed animal in a matter of seconds but every now and then he takes to one and actually takes care of it. His newest friend is this teddy bear. He has been carrying him around the house with him everywhere he goes and snuggling up with him when he sleeps. It is just so darn cute!  

Four. I really want to jump on the one piece band wagon this year.  I honestly think a nice one piece can be more flattering than a two piece some times! I'm on the hunt for one that is still "young" and doesn't cost a fortune. I really don't want to spend $100+ dollars on one bathing suit and so many of them are in that price range! Any suggestions on where to look?

Five. It's no secret that I love the little things in life- like this dish towel! I found this adorable flamingo dish towel at World Market for only $5! They had a TON of really cute options. It is the perfect accessory to our kitchen this summer! 


  1. That flamingo dish towel is too cute! Almost as cute as your pup carrying his new best friend all over the house with him :) Have a great weekend!

  2. That is so sweet Henson has taken to his teddy bear!! I've seen some really cute Trina Turk and Kate Spade one pieces at TJ Maxx... not sure if they'll be in your store but worth a look :)

  3. I have been on the hunt for a cute one piece as well. If you find a good one please share!

  4. Yay! So glad you found a La Croix cocktail you love! I'm with ya...I don't get why bathing suits are so expensive! Katie and the blog Katie Elizabeth, just did a post last week that had 10 one piece suits all under $100!


Sweet Thoughts(: