
Friday, February 24, 2017

Five on Friday

Happy Friday! Linking up today for 5 on Friday.

1. I have a thing for cookbooks. Not just any cookbook though.. I really love cookbooks that are not only useful (I want to know what the majority of ingredients are and find recipes that I would actually make) but also cookbooks that are pretty. If they are "southern" and tell stories in it.. even better. I'm sold! For my sisters birthday I bought her the cookbook Deep Run Roots. It is written by Vivian Howard who is the owner and chef at Chef In the Farmer in Kinston. This book meets all of my criteria... the recipes sound delicious, the pictures are beautiful and there are lots of stories included. I ordered it off Amazon and was surprised at how thick it was when it came in. I highly recommend! 

2. I have major SPRING FEVER! The weather here has been amazing this week! We have been in the high 60's and low 70's almost every day. I have had the windows open in my classroom every day just wishing I could take the day off to enjoy it. I can't wait for Saturday to enjoy some sunshine!! 

3. Speaking of Saturday... I made a last minute decision to sign up for The MarlinRun 5K in Pawleys Island this Saturday! I am not quite finished with my couch to 5K training but I wanted to run it anyway. The weather is going to be perfect and it is a great excuse for Justin and I to head down to the south end and spend the day after the race! Wish me luck! I'm super excited! 

yes, I can do that (;

4. This past weekend my grandmother gave my sister and I 2 of her old cast iron skillets she is no longer using. To say I was excited is an understatement. There is just something about a cast-iron skillet that has been used with love and then passed down that is so special!! They did need to be seasoned again so I used this handy and easy guide from southern living. 

5. Next weekend we are celebrating Justin's 30th birthday!!! We decided to have a joint birthday party with him and my brother in law whose birthdays are just two days apart. What is fun is that my husband is a HUGE UNC basketball fan and my brother in law is a huge Duke fan. We decided to watch the Carolina Duke game as their birthday party. So needless to say one of them is going to have the best birthday and the other it may be the worst. Ha, Let's just hope they are still friends after!! 


  1. I love a good cookbook too! They're great to display in your kitchen!

  2. Good luck with your 5K this weekend! & I love that y'all will be watching the Carolina/Duke game for the birthday party. That's so appropriate for 2 basketball loving guys. Have a great Friday!

  3. Haha, I love the Duke/Carolina birthday party! GO HEELS! Jess at Just Jess

  4. Congrats on signing up on the 5k! That'll be a lot of fun! I had to laugh when I saw your cookbook because I've been watching her show on PBS! lol! We don't have cable and nothing else is good on while I'm making dinner. Hope you have a great weekend!


Sweet Thoughts(: