
Thursday, December 28, 2017

Back with Big News!

I know, I know.. worst blogger EVER. I haven't blogged in almost nine months... whoops! I'll not bore you with all of the life is just so busy excuses and instead just jump right back in. As I reflect back on the past few months and what is to come this year I can't help but to be a little sad that I don't have our day in and day out life documented over the past few months. I started my blog when I was in college back in 2011 and love being able to look back to reminisce on those years and what I was interested in back then. How things have changed!! I plan to start blogging again so I don't miss out on documenting any more of our day to day adventures. 

So without further ado.. We have big news! 

Our family is growing by two little feet!  I cannot put into words how excited Justin and I are for this blessing! I know our baby girl is a gift from God and we could not be happier! I found out back in August and we have since then decided on a name..

Anna Claire Cutrell 

I am due May 1st which puts me currently at 22 weeks and in my second trimester. We have had a smooth and healthy pregnancy so far and I pray that it stays that way! Our hearts are overflowing with joy for our little gift to come! 


  1. How fun! My best friend just had a little girl three months ago and her name is Anna Claire too :)

    xoxo, SS

    Southern and Style

  2. Congratulations!!!! That is so exciting!!! Y'all are going to have so much fun :)


Sweet Thoughts(: