
Thursday, January 4, 2018

Pregnancy Update- Week 23

I know weekly pregnancy post aren't for everyone but when I found out I was expecting I would search for any and all post from others to compare my experience to theirs. I also think it will be fun to look back with any future pregnancies and compare how I was feeling! 

How far along?
23 weeks

Ringing in the New Year with sparkling grape juice and a baby bump! 

Size of baby?
About 11 inches, 1.2 pounds and the size of a grapefruit

ALL the time and I love it!! Around week 20 I wanted to feel her so desperately but couldn't yet. I was told my placenta is on top creating an extra layer of cushion between her kicks and my stomach making it harder for me to feel. The past two weeks she has really started moving a lot and I can feel it all the time! In the evenings when I am relaxing I notice it the most. 

Weight gain and round ligament pain. I have had the most annoying pain in my lower right abdomen that just won't seem to go away. Sudden movements create a sharp stabbing pain that is no fun. My doctor says it is completely normal and just part of it. 

Not the best.... I use to be a perfect sleeper. I would go to bed around 10 and sleep until 6:30 without ever waking up. Now I am constantly tossing and turning- trying to get comfortable and find a position that doesn't irritate my ligament pain. I'm up 1-2 times to go to the bathroom and you can bet that sometime between 4 and 5 am I will be WIDE awake for no good reason. It is super frustrating to me since I used to sleep so well! I guess I am just preparing for those middle of the night feedings (; 

all girl! 

Weight gain?
about 12 pounds.. yikes

Not so much cravings as much as I'm just hungry and feel like I could eat all the time. Anything and everything sounds good! ..Except grilled chicken. Yuck, I'll pass on that one. My favorites lately are cereal, bagels and any and all sweets. I'm not positive but part of me wonders if I am developing an allergy to milk.... I LOVE cereal but sometimes after eating it I don't feel the best. I don't know if it's related and I really don't want it to be but I'm going to try  to pay more attention to see.

Maternity clothes?
Wearing a mix of maternity clothes and my normal clothes. I purchased a pair of Paige Maternity jeans after trying on 10,000 less expensive pairs and becoming super frustrated with how terrible they all fit. Some of my leggings still fit but my compression leggings have had to be put to the side for now. I have one pair of maternity leggings that are super comfortable but always pick up lint which is annoying. As far as tops I've purchased a few causal tops but for the most part am still making due with my normal clothes. Not many of my dresses fit very flattering anymore and I have several events coming up so I had to purchase two new dresses to get by. Trying not to spend a lot on maternity clothes if I can help it because there is just so much I'd rather buy for Anna Claire!

The sweetest and so excited! He has been super supportive and loves talking about her and kissing my belly. He hasn't felt her move yet because every time I call him over she seems to freeze up and stop! Hopefully soon!

Our family came over last week to paint the walls and help set up her crib. We last minute decided to tear up the carpet and put down new flooring so we will be doing that in the next month and  I'm on the hunt for a dresser! It seems so real now that I walk past her room and see the crib set up.. I think I smile every time I walk by.

Best part of the week?
Painting the nursery, setting up the crib and getting a good report from the doctor yesterday! I look forward to each doctor appointment and always count down to the next. I just love hearing her heartbeat and getting confirmation that things are going well! 

Looking forward to?
My next appointment in three weeks. It is the dreaded glucose screening and as much as I am NOT looking forward to the text itself, I'm anxious about it and ready to have it over with! That appointment will put me a week out from the start of my third trimester which is so surreal! 

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