
Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Pregnancy Update Weeks 35-36

How far along?
36 Weeks + 1 Day

Size of baby?
6 pounds and 19-22 inches long
The size of a large cantaloupe 

Strong movements often that don't hurt but definitely cause a lot of pressure and sometimes take my breath away. This is one of the few pregnancy things I will actually miss! 

Still some back pain (although it has eased up slightly), "heavy" feeling, slight swelling and a huge nesting instinct! 

By 9pm I'm exhausted and fall asleep super easy. After that though, I toss and turn all night long and get up about 4-5 times to go the the restroom. Pregnancy insomnia is a real thing.. I often find myself wide awake at 3 am unable to fall back asleep for about an hour. So I guess you could say sleep isn't the best right now, ha. Oh well... my body is just getting used to a lack of sleep in preparation for baby! 

Weight gain?
30 pounds
and if I'm being honest this has been really hard for me! I know it's all baby and her health is the most important but it can be difficult to watch your body go through such a huge change. I'm trying to remember to give myself grace and just let it be. Comments from other people can sometimes take me off guard. I know they don't mean any harm but to a super sensitive pregnant lady things like "your stomach has gotten huge, I can see it in your face, you look like you could go any day now.. " can really mess with your emotions. Okay, rant over. I had to get it out! 

Trying to walk 30+ minutes a day.. I'm doing so much better at this now that the weather has warmed up! 

Still loving cereal and fresh fruit. Starting to crave all the summer time foods like tomatoes, corn on the cob, watermelon, etc but I think that has more to do with the warmer weather than pregnancy. 

Maternity clothes?
A necessity but trying not to buy anything new at this point. I did pick up a nursing bra and nightgown. I can't wait to be back in normal clothes. 

 He had Monday off this week so we spent the day together running all sorts of baby errands and going to my 36 week doctor appointment. He hasn't been able to go to most of my appointments because of work so it was so fun for him to get to go to this one with me! 

Slowly but surely getting there! We have ordered some shelves for the wall and a new mirror. After that I think we will almost be finished!! 

Looking Forward To?
I have a baby shower in Justin's hometown this weekend that I'm excited about. I'm also just really excited about Anna Claire's arrival. I don't want to rush things but at the same time I just can't wait for her to get here!! My doctor told me at my last appointment if I were to go into labor they wouldn't stop me.. they would go ahead and deliver. That was so crazy and surreal to hear! 


  1. So crazy you're at the point where they would let you deliver if you went into labor (only after your shower though ;)) You look amazing! I hear you on the weight... I just had my 20 week appt and found out I'm already up 20 lbs! I've been taking that pretty hard because I'm well past where I wanted to be at this point and I haven't even been eating horribly. It's definitely a mind game.

  2. You look fantastic! And people have no forethought before they make comments--why is it so hard for people to say that "you look great" instead of "you look huge"?!


Sweet Thoughts(: