
Monday, April 9, 2018

Weekending: Baby Shower

Oh Monday.. I am coming off of spring break and heading back to work and I have to admit I am less than thrilled. It was SO nice to have last week off to rest, clean and soak up the sun. I need a large cup of coffee to kick start this rainy Monday!  Moving on to this past weekend.. 

Friday the weather was so nice. I took Henson to the beach and we knocked out a 4.5 mile walk and even managed to soak up some sun. On Saturday we headed to Justin's hometown to go to a family members second birthday party. It was supposed to be outside but because of the rain had to be moved in. I hated that for them but it was still so nice to see everyone and turned out to be a great birthday party! 

On Sunday, Justin's mom and some of her friends hosted the sweetest baby shower for us! Her home is gorgeous and everything was just beautiful. The food was amazing and little Anna Claire was definitely showered with lots of goodies! It was really fun because a lot of Justin's friends were able to come so the guys hung out in the game room watching the Masters while the girls attended the shower inside the house. It was fun to have Justin there and for everyone to get to mix and mingle some! 

36 weeks and 5 days 

It was such a nice weekend. I'm so sad it's over! Now I'm off to warm back up my cup of coffee and attempt to power through this Monday. Have a great day friends! 


Sweet Thoughts(: