
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Anna Claire l 1 Month

I can't believe my baby is already one month old!!!  The past month has flown by faster than I ever imagined it would. It has no doubt been the best month of my life. There is nothing I love more than being Anna Claire's mommy! She has already changed so much in her first month of life.

At her one month check up (4 weeks and 6 days) she weighed 11lbs 1oz which is almost two pounds past her birth weight! We have a healthy little girl. I just love every single little roll on her!!! She is 22 inches long. She is out of her newborn clothes and fits well in 0-3 month outfits. 

She is for the most part a pretty good sleeper. She has her nights that are more challenging (like when she hiccups for half an hour straight after feeding....) but for the most part she goes down for the night about 9pm and will wake about 1 am, 4am and 6am for a feeding. She is really good about going back to sleep quickly as long as she doesn't get the hiccups or reflux. 

We are following Moms on Call and it's working pretty well for us both. She naps about 4 times a day anywhere from one-two hours if all goes as planned. 

Right now we are exclusively breastfeeding and it's going great! I feel so fortunate to have had a fairly easy experience breastfeeding and plan to keep it up as long as I can. She is full and gaining weight which makes me so happy! 

Towards the end of her first month of life she started to notice the star mobile on her swing and it was the cutest thing ever! She LOVES to stare at the stars and swing! Anna Claire has a head full of dark hair but we think it may be starting to fall out.

This month she also made her first trip to the beach and traveled four hours to my hometown to meet her great grandmother! 

Anna Claire loves being held, being swaddled, being worn in the solly wrap, her pacifier, walks in her stroller and car rides.  
She does not like diaper and outfit changes. 


  1. Oh my goodness, sweet girl is so adorable and so well dressed! I'm so glad things are going well and y'all have had a wonderful first month :)

  2. Oh my goodness, how precious is she! Babies in bonnets are my favorite thing ever so I'm swooning over her sweet little swimsuit and pink bonnet. Glad you guys are doing well!


Sweet Thoughts(: