
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Anna Claire l 2 Months

Today Anna Claire turns two months old! In some ways it feels like just yesterday we brought her home from the hospital and in other ways it seems like she has been a part of our lives forever. It has been such a fun month watching her change and start to develop her personality! 

Anna Claire is 12.7 lbs and 23 inches which puts her in the 85th percentile. She still fits in her 0-3 month outfits but I can tell they are getting snug and a few of them I am already putting away. We will be moving up to the next size very soon! 

She is a great sleeper and has really always been. On a typical day (especially if we are at home and can stay in our routine) she naps 4 times a day for one-two hours. At night she sleeps from about 9pm-7am waking up one to two times for a feeding but always goes right back to sleep after she eats which is so nice. We are following Moms on Call and it's working pretty well for us both. This week I am supposed to change her bedtime to 7:30 instead of 9 but we haven't really transitioned to that yet. 


I am still exclusively breastfeeding and it's going great! She nurses every three hours during the day and every 4 or maybe one 5 hour stretch during the night. She has always been a pretty quick eater so it doesn't take up too much time. I think I really got lucky with her! There is no telling what I will get with baby #2 haha. 

..this has been the month of smiles! 

This month Anna Claire made her second road trip to my hometown and attended her first family reunion where she was the star of the show.  She celebrated her first Fathers Day and  started staying awake for more time during the day. She flashes the biggest smile when you talk to her. It is absolutely adorable! This month Anna Claire really started to enjoy bath time. Her eyes get SO big every time you pour water on her... she however does not like to dry off or change into her pajamas. 

Anna Claire loves swinging, taking naps, being worn in the solly wrap, being talked to, her pacifier and bath time.  

She does not like diaper and outfit changes or missing a nap time. 

I love you so much Anna Claire! My prayer for you this month is that you will know how much you are loved and supported as you continue to grow and change. I pray that you will have the confidence to try new things and will know that you have a Heavenly Father and two parents that love you more than you could ever imagine and are here to support you as you grow. Amen

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. -Isaiah 41:10

1 comment:

  1. Oh she is such a cutie! My little gal is a fan of bathtime, too!


Sweet Thoughts(: