
Friday, July 20, 2018

5 on Friday

I can't believe it's already Friday... this week flew by! I didn't manage to get any post up this week so I thought I would tell you five things we have been up to. 

One. I wish I could say this week flew by and I didn't get any post up because I was so busy but the truth is we have spent most of the week in our pajamas catching up on reading and not doing much of anything other than hanging out. I use the Medela app on my phone to keep track of feedings and it has decided to remind me that I start work back in a little over three weeks. I almost want to quit using the app just so I don't have to be reminded of the fact I'm going to have to leave my little girl so soon! I can hardly even think about it. On the other hand I really miss having a reason to get dressed everyday and miss feeling productive and using my brain outside of the house so I am excited to get back to work. I truly love teaching first grade... I just wish I could take Anna Claire with me. HA

Two. After seeing several of Christina's post about grilled pizza we decided to try it and they were delicious! I can't wait to try them again because we didn't quite spread the dough out enough and overcooked them a tad so I know they will be even better next time. 

Three. I have several outfits from when I was a little girl and several from when Justin's cousin was born. It is so sweet to see Anna Claire wearing clothes that have been passed down from so long ago! 

ps.. who else made the switch from Snapchat stories to instagram stories?! When Snapchat updated I switched and haven't looked back. Wanna follow me? You can find me @acutrell15 ..I keep my account private but I always except other bloggers aka anyone who doesn't look crazy.. haha

Four. Last weekend my mom and I slipped off to Wilmington for the day to go to the Farmers Market, eat lunch on the riverfront and walk around downtown. It was so hot but we still had a blast pushing AC around in the stroller and taking some photo ops! We ended up parking on the same street that I got married so I had to take a picture in front of our venue. I wish Justin had been there for the picture! 

Five. Love this post from the Beaufort Bonnet Company. How true it is! 


  1. Insta stories are SO much better than Snapchat! I just started following you!

  2. That pizza looks delicious! I hope these last couple weeks go by super slow for you so you can soak in that extra time before going back to work. I went back very briefly and it was so hard to leave every morning but also nice to wear real clothes, talk to other adults, and just kind of feel normal again.

  3. ok your pizza looks amazing and I love her sweet dress from when you were little, it is adorable!

  4. I absolutely love grilled pizzas! I'm thinking after seeing yours that we need to have those for supper tonight!

    xoxo, SS

    Southern and Style

  5. Anna Claire is just gorgeous - especially in the frilly romper - it is brilliant that it was kept and that she gets to wear it :) I can relate to how you feel about going back to work (I did the same when my first was 3 months). It is difficult to leave them but they do grow up so well rounded with great social skills (and a strong immune system) from attending some nursery. Ok I've had dinner but I am almost drooling seeing that pizza! Enjoy your last 3 weeks! I am pregnant so I've already searched the'medela' app on my phone after seeing it in your post - looks really good, thanks for sharing that! Joanne.

  6. I have always loved that "be kind" quote!! SO much yes. I'm still trying to perfect grilled pizzas, too. Maybe next summer, lol. Going back to work is going to be hard, but you guys will do great!!


Sweet Thoughts(: