
Thursday, July 5, 2018

Fourth of July

We had a wonderful Fourth of July and I hope you did as well! This year things looked a little different since we couldn't head out to the beach or on the boat because of it being just too hot for Anna Claire. We ended up having family over to our house to grill burgers and go swimming. It worked out perfect because we were able to keep Anna Claire inside most of the time while everyone  else was in and out. We spent the whole day enjoying each others company, swimming, grilling burgers and hot dogs and eating a million chocolate covered strawberries. We let Anna Claire get in the pool for the first time and she absolutely loved it! I thought she would probably scream but since the water was so warm I think it felt like bath water to her. She was so adorable!! Of course I took a million pictures to document it. By late afternoon over half of our crew spread out around the house for a little cat nap then rallied to go watch the fireworks that night. I was super nervous taking Anna Claire to the fireworks because I didn't know if it would be too loud for her but she did great! I muffled her ears with my hands to give myself a little more peace of mind. She actually seemed to watch them for a while and then fell asleep. It was a wonderful day! 

I made this Flag Cake via Paula Deen reciepe 

After a long day I look terrible but I love seeing how AC was so into the fireworks on her first Fourth of July! 

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet 4th! I'm glad you had a great holiday especially with AC loving the pool.


Sweet Thoughts(: