
Monday, November 5, 2018


This was the best weekend because.... we were HOME, with pretty much no plans! We have been so busy lately and it is exhausting. It was so nice to be home to just relax, catch up on housework and school work and just hang out! Friday night we did go to a friends house for chili and charades. It was a lot of fun and we were home by 8 to put Anna Claire to bed. Saturday was all about doing a million loads of laundry, cooking, catching up on school work, watching college football and playing with Anna Claire. It was the perfect day. She is just now starting to sit up on her own and it's adorable!! My dad came to town late Saturday night to do some fishing on Sunday. He got here just in time for me to say hey, and goodnight. 

On Sunday we visited with dad and had a low key morning. Later we headed into Myrtle beach to run some errands and grabbed lunch at Wahlburgers which was excellent! Also, I got the dress in the picture below from the Loft for 12 dollars! Such a steal! We enjoyed some white chicken chili for dinner and called it a night early. A low key weekend was exactly what we needed to feel recharged for the week ahead. 

dad life

This is what happens when Justin watches Anna Claire, haha

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Sweet Thoughts(: