
Thursday, April 7, 2011

flattered thursday

Only one day until Friday! Okay so I still feel like a rookie blogger wondering what to write day to day and wondering who would even read my blog. To my surprise I found out yesterday I had been awarded the Stylish Blogger Award by the lovely Amber! To say I am flattered is an understatement! Amber is engaged and adorable.. check her out!

The rules of the awards are as follows: 

1. Link back and thank the person who gave it to you. 
2. Share 7 things about yourself. 
3. Award 5 stylish blogs you read. 
4. Contact them and tell them about their award! 

And my seven facts:
1. I am in school majoring in Elementary Education
and honestly it is absolutly perfect for me!

2. I have a new obsession with nude shoes.
 Flats, heels, sandals.. I love them all!!

3. If I could have it my way I would wear
dresses and yoga pants EVERY day!

4.  Favorite Food= tomatoes!
Tomato sandwich ahh so good!

5. Sunshine and weather about 65 degrees is
an instant mood booster for me.. I really hate the cold

6. I splurge on jeans. I just can't find jeans that I am
comftorable in unless I resort to designer jeans
and comfort = a must

7. I make up for the splurge by visiting TJ Maxx, yes this
 store has adorable kitchen supplies, napkins, brand name hair
products, etc all at a reduced price. love love love!
And my blogging friends who I'm honoring with this award: 

Have a wonderful day!


  1. congrats on your award, girl! and thank you so much for passing it along to me! ohh happy thursday! :)

  2. Ahhhh I'm a yoga pants girl too! I didn't get them until last December and man, oh man, love them... I'm so short I had to get them hemmed... but that's ok, I wear them all the time!

    Sunshine makes my life go on... That's why San Diego is so perfect for me. But any gloom, makes me want to just lay in bed all day, even when it's June gloom!

  3. Thanks for the award!!!! I posted about it! Hope you're having a great Friday! :)

  4. Thanks for passing the award to me. I loved your 7 facts!

  5. Thank you for thinking of me!


Sweet Thoughts(: