
Friday, April 8, 2011


It's finally Friday! I don't know about you but this has been one whirlwind of a week for me! There are major life decisions going on in my life right now so I am excited that my mom is coming to visit for the weekend! I have such bittersweet news! My mom bought herself and I Bob Seger tickets for the Saturday night before Easter Sunday. I was SUPER excited because we both love Bob Seger. However... I just found out my aunt and uncle are coming into town for Easter and me being the oh so sweet daughter I am have decided to let me aunt take my ticket so mom and her can have an outing together. So sad but I know they will enjoy it more. Since I will no longer be in attendance Saturday night I can instead focus on making Easter fun! Holiday meals at our house are always fun and festive. Here are a few pictures of our Easter last year..

I have some ideas of things I could do this year that I will post later! Let me know if you have any ideas of your own! Have a fun Friday!


  1. those cupcakes are so cute and look so yummy!!!

    Cathy. X

  2. awww, i love it! those cupcakes are precious! send me some?? hehe

  3. Hey, this is so cool girl! Beyond glad I found your blog! Maybe you have time to visit mine too, and if you like it, follow me. I always follow back :)

    Kisses xoXx

  4. I'm your newest follower! Found you over at Cat's blog, and seriously love your Easter, those cupcakes are awesome!


Sweet Thoughts(: