
Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Sorry I haven't posted in a few days! My weekend was action packed and I have since then been getting caught up on school work. Thursday night was a one of my friends 21st birthdays and we had a blast celebrating!

like my catch?

Friday mom and her friend Linda (who is like a second mom to me) arrived in town. We had a wonderful dinner at a restaurant I had never been too. The weather was very nice so we got to sit outside where there was live music. So fun!

Saturday we woke up and spent the day shopping and going to a local festival downtown. We met the East bunny here(:

That night was where the real fun began! Another one of my friends turned 21 as well so I went to dinner with her and some friends. Afterwards Chairman of the Board was playing at the same restaurant so my mom, Linda and some more friends all joined up for a night full of dancing and singing along. It was the most fun I have had in a while! I even got called on stage at one point. I'll have to share stage pictures after I get them from a friend!

It was a great weekend and after spending all of Monday and today working on school work I am finally almost caught up and ready for another fun weekend -- Cocktail Friday and Formal Saturday. I can't wait!

I got a lot of comments about the cupcakes in the last post. My sister made them and they are super easy! Just white icing, large/small marshmallows, some sprinkles and eye candy or tubed icing! Let me know if anyone tries to make them!! Maybe we could all make something fun for Easter and I could display pictures? Just a thought.. have a wonderful afternoon!


  1. What a fun weekend! Where are the shoes in your first picture from?? So cute!

  2. sorry for the late response! I got them at Belk.. they are Jessica Simpson brand!


Sweet Thoughts(: