
Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

Happy Good Friday Yall!

I am home for Easter weekend and it is so nice! The boy is also joining the family so that is a nice treat. Look how I found him and my other two boys this morning

Today, we are about to head out in the rain to do a little shopping. Shorts and tennis shoes are on the shopping list for us. When we get home tonight we will be meeting my parents for dinner at a new resteraunt downtown. I have heard great things about it and can't wait to try it! Last night we found this adorable deviled egg plate at Lowes Food for $1.99! It will be on our table for Easter lunch!

Have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. Love that picture of all your boys! Have a great Easter! And by the way, I may have already said this, but I just LOVE your new picture!


Sweet Thoughts(: