
Monday, April 25, 2011

wonderful weekend recap

I had an amazing Easter weekend and I hope you all did as well! The Bob Seger concert was amazing! I promise to upload pictures later! The late night out had me nervous I would be tired for Easter but I found I was way too excited to be tired. I made deviled eggs, squash boats and strawberries dipped in chocolate out of my Paula Dean cookbook before church. I then headed off for a truly inspirational sermon. After church my family gathered around for a huge meal that I am still stuffed from (probably because of my continuous snacking of the leftovers, ha) The Easter bunny and surprised me with a new bathing suit, shorts and top from Banana Republic.. so exciting! I can't wait to share pictures but it will have to wait until I find my camera cord. Easter night the boy and I went to see Water for Elephants. OMG, AMAZING!! YOU HAVE TO GO SEE IT! I have not read the book but plan on reading it this summer. Love love love!!

Random thought: I am watching Pregnant in Heels right now on Bravo.. How cute is Rosie?!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a blast! Shew, I am finally catching up on your blog posts..this week has been so hectic, it's been all I could do to get up my posts, so I'm excited to read my usuals!


Sweet Thoughts(: