
Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday Ramblings

Please excuse me while I ramble about what is going on in my head this Friday. Before I forget, Blogger still isn't letting me comment anyone. Help please!! It's beginning to drive me crazy.. I have so much I want to say on so many post and it wont let me. Sigh, anyway..

Is anyone else following the Casey Anthony trial? I don't normally get into everything going on in the news but this has captured my attention. In my opinion this girl is as guilty as they come. I can't figure out why the trial is taking SO long. Isn't it obvious??

On another note, where you can find me most summer days is laying out by the pool. Today reminded me however that no matter how cold the water is, it is still sweltering hott outside! I love to lay out and read a good book but can't stand feeling sweat drip on my body. Yuck! But low and behold look what you can now buy: fancy water in a spray can. Love! I can now sit in the sun for hours reading while spraying myself with water.

The new book I am beginning to read is Georgia Bottoms by Mark Childress. I can't wait to read and then share! I think it's going to be really good. It is about Georgia who is from Alabama and known as a beautiful baptist southern belle. No one knows that Georgia actually has a scandalous encounter with the priest, the doctor, the local lawyer and others. One for every day of the week, except Sunday of course. If anyone knew Georgia, and the town would be ruined. I'll let you know how it turns out!

Well I hope you all have an exciting Friday night planned! Have a great weekend!!


  1. That book sounds really good! You'll definitely have to let us know how it turns out :)

  2. That book sounds so cute! I can just picture you spraying yourself while reading by the pool, ha!

  3. I've been looking for a good summer read and Georgia Bottoms sounds like a page turner! Definitely going to check it out!


Sweet Thoughts(: