
Monday, June 13, 2011

Oh comfy day

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Mine was pretty low key just hanging out at home with my family and some friends. Mom and I watched several movies which is always nice. Prada to Nada was the first one and it was just so so. I wouldn't recommend it but if you have nothing else to do it would suffice. The next one is First Dog, this movie was absolutely adorable! It is a family movie about a little boy who finds the President of the United State's lost dog and sets out on a journey to return him. Other than the movies my weekend was filled with a wonderful church service, eating way too much food, walking the dogs and working on my online class. I did have one interesting thing happen this weekend- last night around eleven pm I saw either a gray fox or coyote in my neighbors yard! We live in the middle of the city so I have no idea what it was doing here! It made me super nervous, hopefully it wont be back. I have been browsing the Internet trying to find furniture and what not for my new place I will be moving into when school starts back. I sure do wish I could afford some of the new Lilly Pulitzer furniture! Isn't it adorable? I am loving some of these throw pillows from Rikshaw Design! The monkey print is just adorable! I think they are designed for a child's room but I think I could pull them off. I really like rooms that are "light" appearing. I know that makes no since- what I mean is open feeling. With neutral colors and a hint of a pale blue or pale pink, yellow, green, etc. Here are some fun inspirations I have found!


  1. You could totally pull off the monkey throw pillows. They are so fun and preppy.

  2. I love those pillows and would totally use them! I don't think they look "childish" at all!

  3. I love the Lilly furniture!! And you're right.. the monkey print is TOO adorable. Love it.

  4. thanks for sharing this furniture! it's absolutely gorgeous!

  5. All of this is too cute. I loved the pillows at first glance and then realized they were monkeys, which made me like them even more. Seriously all of this stuff is adorable!


Sweet Thoughts(: