
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Best Friend Reunion

There are people who come in and out of your life for a reason. I am so fortunate to have had a good friend, Hilary come into mine even if it was for just one short year. I pledged with Hilary who would soon become one of my best friends. Unfortunately, she left me after that one year in ZTA together to move back to Charlottesville, VA where she is from and attend UVA. I'm so happy for her because that is a great school but I miss her like crazy!! She has visited a couple times and we have met up at events such as Carolina Cup. Her birthday is on Monday and I am going to visit her in Charlottesville this weekend. I'm so excited!! When Hilary and I get together it is ALWAYS fun and somtimes most of the time crazy.

We always say if we go out together with our boots on, on stage dancing is a guarantee

Yes, her crown does say UVGay although we don't really think that! haha
 Just so sad at her going away party because she was moving 4 hours away

told ya, boots on!

Hilary was my "twin" and this is us with Maghan our big!

I'm sure I will come home with many stories and a
smile on my face! I hope yall have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Y'all are so cute! Have a great time--you picked the perfect weekend to go!

  2. Pledge sisters are the best! Have a fun weekend!

  3. I was a ZTA too!! I hope this weekend was a blast!

  4. Haha, looks like you two had a blast! :)


Sweet Thoughts(: