
Thursday, July 7, 2011

So Many Things

So many things on my mind on this gorgeous Thursday! I hope everyone had a wonderful Fourth of July! Mine was spent at the lake and it was a wonderful time. I unfortunately lost my camera. [Insert major sad face!!] It disappeared off the boat sometime in the midst of the firework show. At least my sister had hers so I do still have a few pictures to share!

Since July is here and my hectic school life is getting near it is time for me to begin studying for the GRE. This is the test you must take to be accepted into any graduate program which I hope to begin next fall. I am a little nervous about how I'm going to do on the test! I purchased a study book yesterday and the vocabulary seems as if it is going to be quite difficult. Has anyone taken this test? Any words of advice??

On another note- I am not going to say much but.. Casey Anthony? I am very bothered that she was found not guilty and could only spend a month in jail.

Since it is Thursday I want to tell you all about my new favorite show! It is called Suits and is on USA. There have only been two episodes so far but I am hooked! Have any of you seen it? It's about an extremely smart guy who has never been to law school but just got hired in a law firm. It's a great show, you should check it out!


  1. love the patriotic cake :) and i hope you do well on the GRE test. it seems like it will be tough, but i really hope you'll do great on it.

  2. Good luck on the GRE! I took that a couple of years ago. To help with vocabulary I made flash cards. :)

  3. EEk I didn't know you had to take a test to go to grad school! Good luck, I hope it's nothing like the SAT!

  4. Ugh, I am constantly losing and/or breaking my cameras... such a bummer!

    That dessert looks delish! :)

  5. Ah, love that you were at LKG too..sorry about the camera though! And hmmm..for the GRE, I didn't prepare at all and I'm a huge reader/writer/etc so the verbal section wasn't too horrible for me. There are tons of words you won't know, but you just have to do your best! The math wasn't horrible either, however, I hadn't taken math since Calc my senior year of high school so a lot of little math rules and formulas had long since been forgotten which proved difficult, so if you haven't done math in a while, I would review!

  6. I lost my camera recently too!! It's a horrible feeling, especially if you have pictures on it that aren't yet uploaded!


Sweet Thoughts(: