
Friday, July 29, 2011

Lucky Lady!

So as you know, yesterday I headed to the beach to see Justin. I knew he would be at work when I got here and expected to lay my stuff down and head outside. Much to my surprise when I walked in I was greeted with streamers everywhere, 21 balloons, 21 candles, 21 coral roses and lilies, a huge card, a poster, a birthday cake, a crown AND a chilled bottle of wine. OMG, is this not the sweetest thing ever?!! Justin had snuck home on his lunch break and set all of this up. He must know the way to a girls heart! I can now say my birthday weekend/week got started in full force.

PLEASE ignore the non makeup-ed face!
I definitely wasn't expecting to see anyone!
The set up

These flowers are even more gorgeous in person.. I wish you could see them!

After his lunch break he had to head back to work so I spent the day relaxing. That night we went out to an amazing seafood restaurant and then took a walk on the beach. We ended the night by watching my favorite show Suits. It was the perfect day!

On another note. I'm a little frustrated! I have been to several stores trying to find sunscreen in the SPF I want. I CAN'T find an SPF under 30! WHAT?! I know I should protect my skin from the sun and use higher sunscreen protection but if a girl wants to tan, let her tan. I'm staying out of the tanning bed so please let me use my desired sunscreen! I always put 15 on my chest, 4 on my legs and 30 on my face. I'm in a dilema and not happy. [I have been mainly looking at grocery stores so I guess I will try a drug store next] Oh welllll, have a great day lovelies!


  1. Hope you have a great birthday weekend:)!

  2. Have a wonderful birthday weekend!

  3. he's a keeper!! Hope you had an amazing birthday!

  4. Happy 21st Birthday!!! If Justin decorated and surprised you with all that, he is definitely a keeper!

    I use Eucerin Everyday Protection for Sensitive Skin. It is SPF 30 but it doesn't make my face break out like most facial lotions and it doesn't leave it too oily! Good luck finding the prefect lotion!

  5. happy 21st birthday!

    try looking for hawaiian tropic shimmer, i bought it at walmart and it comes in 15 and 8 (but not for your face!)


  6. you ARE lucky! hope you have a wonderful weekend :)

  7. Have you tried Anthelios? I think they haev an SPF 15 or 20 and it's really good stuff. You can actually buy it at Walgreens!

  8. You got yourself a keeper, lady! Have a wonderful birthday! :)

  9. Such a great surprise! Hope you had a wonderful birthday!


Sweet Thoughts(: