
Monday, August 1, 2011

Birthday Girl!


I have to say I'm a little excited! All of the girls got to the beach yesterday and we have a day/night full of fun planed. I'll be sure to have plenty of pictures to share! We are going to Myrtle Beach for the day to lay out, shop and whatever our hearts desire. That night we are grilling out and the hitting the bars. (It is my 21st!)

Did anyone see the Men Tell All Bachelorette episode? I can NOT believe Bentley did not show up. I guess it isn't that surprising but he should have been there. He makes me sick! I feel a little bad for thinking Ashley was not the brightest for being head over heels for him but to be fair she really didn't know. It was funny to see the guy who had fell asleep the first episode. I didn't even recognize him at first haha! Well I am now off to get some sun and drinks! Have a great Monday!


  1. Happy birthday! Hope your day is wonderful. Mine is tomorrow! We're almost birthday twins :)

  2. Happy 21st Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day/night :)

  3. Just found your blog, I'm also a southern college girl :) That sounds like a blast! Happy birthday!

  4. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you!! Yippee--21!!!

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! I wish I could turn 21 again haha.

    I cannot believe Bentley wasn't there... jerk!! I still have to watch it... I didn't get to see it Sunday night but watched the finale tonight.

  6. Just found your blog, I am also living the southern simple life as I am trying to plan my wedding.. Hope you had an awesome day. Happy 21st Birthday!

  7. happy late birthday. thanks for another amazing post. Would love if you'd check out my brand new CELEBRITY TREND REPORT and see pics from my latest stroll through Beverly Hills. Thanks love. xoxo

    Don't forget to follow on twitter for all the latest celebrity fashion news from an LA stylist.!/fashboulevard


Sweet Thoughts(: