
Friday, August 5, 2011

Hey There!

Hey there, long time no see! Haha, I have been at the beach all week and have absolutely zero blog time. Even though my birthday was Monday my friends and family have given my permission to celebrate ALL week!

I'll try to play a little catch up.. Monday night was the actual birthday and the girls and I headed to Myrtle Beach for the day. We woke up bright and early, got some breakfast and hung out opening gifts and laughing. My sweet mom had me 21 presents waiting all with a hidden meaning. Some of my favorites were new underwear because one should always have pretty underwear on, a cast iron skillet because its now time to begin cooking true southern meals, an apron to continue style in the kitchen, and a lottery ticket for good luck. We had so  much fun and laughed so hard. After all of that fun was over we moved outside to relax by the pool. We were going to go to the beach but it looked like it might rain so we stuck close by. There was no rain however and we had a blast!

Before beginning the getting ready process I made my first ABC store run! I could hardly contain my excitement. Mom kept saying she didn't support this but was snapping pictures the whole time so I think she did, ha! [Please excuse the non makeup, pool all day face]

We then headed back to start getting ready for the big night out! I have never seen so many outfit changes from my friends. Once everyone finally was dressed and ready to go we cranked up the music and started the official pregame. I had a playlist of 21 songs from the past 21 years playing and we had a BLAST dancing around to old hits! I'm going to share the playlist later!

when they presented me with my birthday crown, sash and 21 things to do list

From here the night went a little crazy. We had a blast though and I can't wait to share. For now it will have to wait because I'm about to pack up, leave the beach and head to see KENNY CHESNEY!! yay!! I'm praying this rain will stop!


  1. looks like you had an amazing time! Happy 21st Pretty Girl!

  2. Sounds like you had a great 21st! Can't wait to see your playlist.

  3. I absolutely LOVEEEEE your dress! :)

  4. Looks like you had a blast! Happy 21st! Hands down, best year of my life... and most expensive? haha.

  5. New to your blog! :) The 21 gifts idea is SO cute! I'm going to have to do that for some of my friends. My Nanny has one of those cornbread things, I didn't even think they made them anymore! Happy 21st!


Sweet Thoughts(: