
Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I just love this! I think it is so true

I have been so busy! It just hit me that I have to get everything ready for a week long beach trip but ALSO begin the tetious task of packing everything up for the move to the new house! I can already tell that the move in this heat is not going to be fun. I have gotten a few things together but am now going to put it on hold so I can enjoy the vacation and worry about it when I get back. I have had time to do a little relaxing though and have to tell you about the book I just read! It is very popular and you might have heard of it. Heaven Is For Real by Todd Burpo.

This is a quick read and definitly worth it. If you haven't read it yet you HAVE TO. It is about a four year old boy who during emergency surgery actually dies and goes to Heaven. He then returns to life and lives to tell his story of what he saw in Heaven. There is such an innocence about his story that is very eye opening. I have always been a Christian but after reading this book I have felt the urge to develop a stronger relationship with the Lord. I hope this book inspires you as it has me! Has anyone else read it? What were your thoughts?


  1. my cousin was talking about this book last time we had the family together! he was obsessed

  2. If I had a dollar for all the people who reccomended this book, I'd be a millionaire. So I think it's bout time I head to the library and check it out!


Sweet Thoughts(: