
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

So Much To Look Forward To!

Bachelorette thoughts?! Hm, I don't know what to say! This entire season has been so dramatic. While I'm not really an Ashley, Ben or JP fan I still can't seem to not watch. I think I am more excited for the reunion of all the men on Sunday night than I am for the finale on Monday! Eeek! Okay, enough of reality T.V. I have a few things on my mind that are causing me to become WAY to excited, I can't focus on more important things. I can't wait to share about all the fun things in my near future!!

2 Days
Until I head to the beach to begin the Birthday Celebration!
I will be spending the weekend with Justin before I meet up with
my family and some friends! I can't wait!

6 Days
Until my 21st birthday. Am I excited?! Yes! Am I way TOO
excited?! Yes! I was talking to a friend today who told me she
thinks we have been waiting for this day since we were 16,
and now it's so close!

10 Days
Until I head to the Kenny Chesney concert thanks to the bff
Ashley! (The same one who made the above comment)

15 Days
Until I move into my FIRST house! I have lived in apartments
and the sorority house before but never my own house! (Still with a 
roommate though) I can't wait to see what this year
has to offer! I know it's going to be amazing!

Now do you see why I am so excited for the next two weeks?! Yay!


  1. I had to look back and watch the Bachelorette and it cut off after midnight right when JP and Ashley were seeing their room! I was so upset. I have no idea who she picked???

  2. I agree, not really feeling the bachelorette but I am excited for the men tell all =] Have a great and safe 21st, and im moving into my 1st ever place the 3rd week of august! so excited!

  3. Ahh, so much exciting news!!

    As to the Bachelorette--I actually really love Ben and JP, but can't stand Ashley! I think she should end up with Ben, but who knows. Also...can I just say WHAT WAS SHE THINKING WITH THOSE OUTFITS THIS WEEK? The midriff look is not in!


Sweet Thoughts(: