
Monday, July 25, 2011

Weekend Recap

Relaxation was what my weekend was all about. Justin came into town on Friday night but he got here pretty late so we decided to stay in and watch a movie. I rented Limitless starring Bradley Cooper and it was so good! After the movie we called it an early night so we would be rested for Saturday. My birthday is in ONE week exactly so Justin decided to take me shopping for a new pair of cowgirl boots. I found a pair that I absolutely adore and can't wait to break in!

Afterwards we went furniture shopping. I need a new bedroom suit for my house I am moving in to in a few weeks. No luck finding anything but I really need to get on that! Furniture shopping turned a little stressful so we came home and relaxed on the deck with a few drinks listening to music. It was so much fun that we ended up staying out there for a couple hours and grilling out. We got together with some friends afterwards which is always fun as well. Sunday was spent relaxing alllll day until he had to go home. (so sad!)

I will be spending the rest of this week getting ready to leave for a week long beach trip. Thursday can NOT get here quick enough!! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend!


  1. I love cowboy boots! That is one perfect present. It sounds like you had a great relaxing weekend.

  2. Can't wait to see your boots! I just placed an order for mine today :)


  3. i love beach trips! i'm sure you'll totally enjoy yourself :)

  4. Oooh I can't wait to see which boots and bedroom set you picked!

  5. Ah! I bet you can't wait! That will be so much fun! :)

  6. I love cowboy boots, they look good with everything!! =]


Sweet Thoughts(: