
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What To Do, What To Do..

One word for today- stressed. Ever have those days? It's just one of those days where I have worried about absolutely everything! and by everything, I mean literally everything. But enough complaining because that isn't what this post is about! After my long day of nothing going right I came home took a shower and sat down to decide how I was going to chill out. It could be the second huge cup of coffee I have had, but I think I have discovered the best stress relief! I made a pot of coffee, cut on Britney Spears (yes, seriously!) and have been reading all of your blogs! I feel completely better and re-energized and I owe it all to yall! (and caffeine and Britney, ha) So thanks(: I am much happier than I was a few hours ago! I hope you have all had a fabulous day! and if not make some coffee, cut on Itunes and blog!


  1. i feel ya! I have 2 huge papers due tomorrow and im so stressed so im taking a break by looking @ blogs =]

  2. I've been having a lot of those days lately! My wedding stress is overwhelming at times! I went on a Starbucks run today and it made my day SO much better! :) I'm glad you're happy now!

  3. I know how you feel! When I'm overwhelmed, I make check lists and include even small, silly things, just so I have something to cross off and feel productive. Anddd I also made invite a girlfriend or two over for a vent sess and vino.

  4. Glad you're feeling better--I hate days like that!


Sweet Thoughts(: