
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I haven't done one of these in a while so I thought I would link up with Jamie over at This Kind of Love for a What I'm Loving Wednesday post!

I'm loving mine and Ashley's new baseball intrest. The games are so much fun!

I'm loving the feeling of having a sparkling clean house!
(I spent all day yesterday cleaning)

I'm loving that my 21st birthday is only 11 days away!

I'm loving the movie the Lincoln Lawyer. Anything
 with Matthew McConaughey is a winner!

And lastly, I'm loving the fact that Ashley got me Kenny
Chesney tickets for my birthday! Best Friend ever!


  1. So exciting that you are about to turn 21!! I just turned 21 in early June and it has been so much fun!

  2. Ooooh! Have fun at Kenny Chesney! I like you love a clean house so that is very exciting news, :)

  3. Thanks for playing along!

    Having a clean house is such a great feeling :)

  4. Cute post! Do you have a cleaning list, lol? That's actually a great idea!!! Happy Wednesday!

    Stop by sometime for wedding ideas and advice as well as Romantic Rambles! xoxox

  5. a clean house is one of the best things EVER!!

  6. You’re turning 21!? I just turned 24 and I would give anything to go back and turn 21 again... even if it was only a few years ago, haha. That’s exciting! Hope you have an amazing time! :)

  7. Kenny Chesney is my absolute favorite! SO jealous. I would love to go to a concert!!


Sweet Thoughts(: