
Wednesday, August 31, 2011


"I still have my feet on the ground, I just wear better shoes"
-Oprah Winfrey

Lets talk shoes, My obsession! I'm pretty sure there is no such thing as too many shoes. No way, right? With fall right around the corner I am on the hunt for some good fall shoes! You can never go wrong with boots in the fall- stylish and warm. I have a pair of Steve madden brown leather boots and a pair of cowgirl boots that are my immediate fall go-to's. I get made fun of my almost everyone but I also swear by my brown Dansko's. I am in education and being on your feet all day you need some comfy shoes! I guess clogs aren't the most stylish but they sure are comfy! I want to spice things up this year with something new for these fall days/nights! These are some of my favorites I have been eyeing!

Farmar from Aldo                    Howett from Aldo

Akoupe from Aldo                      Natural Burlap Toms

Michael Kors Carla                     Tory Burch Ballerina Flat

Okay- I swear I didn't try to pick out shoes all in a camel color. I didn't even notice until just now.. whoops! I obviously need to branch out! It is my FAVORITE color right now for handbags and shoes. Maybe I will do this post over on a later date with all colorful shoes. What shoes do you have your eyes set on?

Last night I went to my friend Sarah's apartment where she made homemade chicken casserole and squash fresh from her grandmothers garden. Yum! She is becoming quite the little cook and it is A-okay with me! Class started back today as most of the damage has been cleared away. I am kind of glad- I'm ready for a more structured day. Too much free time is not always good! Today will be long with class all day and then babysitting tonight but when I get home I have my big, little and grandlittle coming over for a family taco dinner night! Yay! I have spent so much time with all of these girls lately however we haven't all four been together in a while. This is long overdue!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Here I am, Rock you like a hurricane

I'm still aliveeee, haha. I know I have been MIA for way too long and I'm sorry! There have been so many things going on in my life that I don't even know where to start. For starters, I survived Hurricane Irene. My town however.. not so much. Things got bad early Saturday morning and we immediately lost power. A group of us got together and planned to spend the whole weekend together since we knew we would probably be stuck in one place. I guess we picked the wrong house however because a tree FELL ON THE house while we were there. Talk about scary! We were actually looking out the window when it happened so that was quite the shocker. Where Irene finally left, she left the whole town flooded, without power and with tree's down everywhere. Class has been canceled the past two days but I think we will be back in action tomorrow! Here are some pictures from the house and around town.

Major Flooding.. see the car?!

my backyard

the tree that fell on our house!

backyard again

ZTA driveway

Okay, sorry for the picture OVERLOAD! I'm sure it's not even that interesting but that is what has consumed my life for the past few days! We have made the most of it however because...
which means hurricane parties everyyy night. We might as well make the best of a bad situation right?! Well since this post is getting crazy long because of my picture overload I will go ahead and end it. Did anyone else get affected by Irene?!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Before I get started I have to tell you that yesterday I posted my 96th post and reached 96 followers. Coincidence?! I think not!
Yesterday was tiring getting back into the swing of things. I am definitly going to have to get used to waking up early again! I babysat all day then headed straight to meetings. Recruitment is in full swing. While it's such a fun and exciting time it's always a tad bit stressful with the long hours. Anyone else lacking sleep because of it? When I finally got home I made the BEST tomato sandwhich (yum!) and tuned into Bachelor Pad. This show never suprises me with how much drama they can fit into one episode. Watching the guys synchronize swim was a pretty funny sight. I have to say they were better than the girls though! I’m getting very annoyed tired of Vienna’s attitude. She never has anything positive to say about anything! I’m still trying to figure out why Erica was crawling around spying on Jake. It’s was a tad bit creepy!

With Hurricane Irene heading this way I am planning on soaking up every bit of sun for the next day or two. I know when the weekend rolls around we will be living in a torrential downpour. I'm not a fan of rain at all. If all the rain drops were lemmon drops and gum drops, right? The only good thing about the rain is being able to break out the cute rain gear! This is what I will be sporting while Irene gets her anger out!
North Face Rain Jacket

         Hunter Rain Boots
a pretty little umbrella
Thats all for today ladies(:

Monday, August 22, 2011

Manic Monday

It's just another manic Monday, Wish it was Sunday

It's Monday (boo). This past week has been full of nothing but enjoying the new house, being back with friends and having fun. Now, it's Monday- work started at 8am, class starts tomorrow and I'm one sad puppy. Haha, I guess it isn't that bad, but I do fill spoiled with how wonderful the past week has been! My mom came into town Saturday which was amazing! We were able to move my sister into her new place and catch up on things. I was so sad to see her go. This post is already getting random, I apologize!

These are the girls I have spent pretty much every second with lately.  I have to tell you they are beyond amazing. I am so glad I can call them my best friends!

I found this on a website and got a kick out of it. Ha, ohh college!

I am so sad that my senior year has gotten here so fast! I honestly feel like I moved into the dorms as a freshman just yesterday. I am in absolutely no rush for graduation and intend on taking in every bit of the school year. Looking back on things I can see how much my friends and I have grown and changed over the years. (For the better!)
I'm ending things today with some words of wisdom for you pretty ladies(: 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Chicken Noodle Soup

This is what I look like. Exaggeration? Yes, possibly. I'm not sick but I do have poison ivy creeping up my leg. I don't like things being wrong with me and this is going on 8 days.. What?! rash, please stop. now. I'm finally taking my tale to the doctor to get some meds. Funny thing is I'm pretty sure it is poison ivy however it doesn't itch at all? I would show you pictures but its not a pretty sight!

Okay enough of that.. Do any of you watch Dance Moms? These moms are intense/crazy! Especially Cathy, I am beginning to not have many nice things to say about her. She is so rude! The dance last night was majorly creepy but awesome they won first on the competition overall!

Kristi's birthday was a blast! I can't believe I didn't take more pictures! She had a white tent, white tables and pink table cloths. Everything had a pink and green theme and was gorgeous! Please don't get my started on the food. It was beyond amazing. (I may have had 5+ fried green tomatoes)  Here is the only picture I did get. What a perfect family right?! (:

From left to right- little, me, big, grand little
I love these girls! 

I hope you all have a terrific Thursday!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I'm back!

I'm back! So sorry I have been MIA for what seems like days! I have been so busy enjoying the first few days in the new house. I'm relieved I can now begin catching up on all of your lovely blogs. I have been just itching to start reading! It seems like everyday another friend is moving back to town and we all have so much catching up to do. All of ZTA moved back Saturday and I can't wait to catch up with everyone TONIGHT! It is my roommates 21st birthday and there will be a celebration I can't wait for! Her parents have graciously agreed to have a caterer come and set up in our backyard. All of our friends will be over to indulge in crab cakes, cajun oysters, fried green tomatoes stuffed with pimento cheese, buffalo shrimp, sliders, and potatoes. Umm.. YUM!  After we are fully stuffed we will be heading downtown where she has our favorite bar rented out. I'm so excited!

The house is coming along good although there are still a few things needed. I'm on the search for curtains for my bedroom as well as a cheap armed chair to add. While my bedroom is still majorly in the works the living room is complete!

Whatcha think? Well that is all for now, I am off to the hair dressor. Have a wonderful day! 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Step by Step

I have never been/never will be a fan of moving. I move into my first HOUSE (which I'm pretty dag on excited about) this week and was worried things weren't going to come together in time. Last night things looked up however and I now have hope! I move in tomorrow and was bedroom furniture-less until last night. Eek, procrastination! I've been on the search for a while and finally found the perfect set and bought it.

It's a tad bit lighter in color but very similar. It's from pottery barn and perfection in my book! Now to figure out how to get it from point a to point b. I may be sleeping on the couch for a night or two dreaming of my new furniture while I wait on dad to get it 3 hours down the road. Okay, I know furniture talk really isn't that exciting so I'll move on to more important stuff

Remember my 21 CD I posted about here? Here is the playlist. I hope it brings back just as many memories for you as it did for us!

1. You can't touch this- MC Hammer
2. Play that funky music white boy- Wild Cherry
3. Achy Breaky Heart- Billy Ray Cyrus
4. T-R-O-U-B-L-E - Travis Tritt
5. I like to move it- Crazy Frog
6. This is how we do it- Montell Jordan
7. Wannabe - Spice Girls (of course!)
8. Mmmbop - Hanson
9. Hit me baby one more time - Britney Spears
10. Summer girls - LFO
11. Bye bye bye - N'Sync
12. Lady Marmalade - Moulin Rouge
13. Country Grammar - Nelly
14. Miss Independent - Kelly Clarkson
15 . Tipsy - Chingy
16. Run It - Chris Brown
17. London Bridges - Fergy
18. Buy you a drink - T pain
19. Low - Flo Rida
20. Party in the USA - Miley Cyrus
21 . Like a G6 - Far East Movement
22. Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hello Drama!

Did you see Bachelor Pad last night? My Monday nights are no longer complete without any Ashley drama so of course I tuned in! I think I am in for a good dramatic season alright! Vienna and Kasey are getting on my nerves already. She seems so manipulative! It makes me sick that she got the third rose. I don't think she deserved Jake in the first place. Before I go any furthur I have to say this.. the Princess? Oh my goodness, you have got to be kidding me. Please get over yourself and take that tiara off your head. I was really happy to see Ames walk in the door, he makes me smile! Him and Jackie sure seemed to hit it off quick! It's going to be a good season! I'm hooked!

I got my first taste of packing today and I have to say I do not think it's going to be fun. It is HOTT and my things are heavy. I'm ready to get everything moved and settled! I am using a comforter I already have for my new bedroom but have been brainstorming room ideas. The comforter is a light blue and I want to pair it with white/cream, neutral colors and pick one accent color (orange maybe?) These are my inspiration photos via pinterest!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Birthday Recap Part Two

I think my life may begin to go back to normal now! I have been going going going and am about to start again with a big move coming up, but for a few days I think I can sit back. I gave you the first part of the birthday recap and am going to give you part two now!

just a little on stage dance sesh

poor Cate's heel broke!

Kenny Chesney Concert!