
Friday, October 7, 2011


It's impossible to not be happy on Friday right?

Mom and I are about to head out to go fabric shopping and see The Help. I cannot express how excited I am! I have been just dying to see this movie! I know it will not disappoint. Yay! My sister also comes home today which will be fun. I love being home with the whole family present!

Last night I got to have dinner with the parents and then have drinks with some old friends. SO much fun! We caught up on the ins and outs of a small town life. My town is just that- tiny! but full of character. It can be described with these two songs:

Watertower Town- Scotty McCrerry

Small Town USA- Justin Moore

Two great songs! My weekend will be spent enjoying being home! We have a fall festival that is an all weekend event. Although I will probably only make it on Saturday. I will be helping mom work a section of it for two hours and then enjoying the festival the rest of the time. Saturday night a friend of mine has a get together planned, followed by church on Sunday! I hope yall have a great weekend!


  1. Water Tower Town is my new favorite on Scotty's album! He's going to be in concert in Raleigh tomorrow morning and I can't wait to see him!

  2. It sounds like you have a fun weekend ahead! I can't wait to be home for fall break on Wednesday

  3. oh my gosh i am reading the help and love it! please let me know what you think of the movie.

    and what are you getting fabric for??

  4. Amber- the movie was AMAZING! You have to go see it! We were getting fabric to recover a couch!

  5. Sounds like a perfect weekend :) I can't wait to get home in November when I'm back for Thanksgiving...there really is no place like home! Hope you enjoy every minute! xoxo {av}

    P.S. I'm hosting a little Lilly Pulitzer giveaway--you're going to love it :)

  6. Girl if you love small town's, you should see where I come from! We have a gas station, a small bank, and a little convenient store that sells hamburgers and hot dogs. LOL... no stop lights either. Love those songs. Hope you enjoyed the help, I never got a chance to see it :(


Sweet Thoughts(: