
Monday, October 10, 2011

Weekend Recap

This weekend went by in the blink of an eye! I got some much needed rest and relaxation in  with a little bit of fun mixed in. I had Monday off as well as part of fall break but am now back at school getting in the grind of things. Friday mom and I started out fabric shopping for a print to recover our couch with. I was overwhelmed by all of the colorful choices. I wish I could recover every piece of furniture in my house. Afterwards we went to see The Help which was amazing just as I expected!

When I got home my friend Ashley came over and we painted pumpkins! It is always a good time with her!

Saturday was busy with our local Fall Festival going on. It was full of fried food, games, a car show,  shopping and everything fall like. I would have taken tons of pictures to show you but I spent most of the time volunteering. I did get one shot though!

 Sunday started with a wonderful church service which followed by an amazing lunch! Chicken casserole, fried green tomatoes, green beans, potatoes, yeast rolls, cornbread, deviled eggs, strawberry shortcake... Whew, yum! That meal called for a nice long nap haha. Later in the evening I went to see Moneyball- I'm not much into baseball but it was really good! It was a wonderful weekend and a wonderful break! I hope yours was just as good!


  1. OH my goodness! I love those monogram pumpkins! I am not sure that I am capable of writing a monogram that looks that good!! So cute!

    Also, are you an elementary education major?? AND are you from NC!! I love meeting people that I have so much in common with!

  2. Love the monogram pumpkins, so cute! Anyways, mostly just wanted to stop by and say that I love your blog, I recently started on here and your blog was one of the main ones that inspired me! Also I'm obviously from NC too so its fun having that in common as well!

  3. Looks like such a fun weekend! I got a pumpkin this weekend and was trying to decide what to do with it and I love your painted monogram!


Sweet Thoughts(: