
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Prayers Please

I need some prayers this way please 

My dad is currently in the emergency room
after some complications. hopefully nothing too serious
but we haven't heard back yet.

My puppy Cooper ALSO just got out of surgery.

Prayers would be appreciated!


  1. Praying for your Dad!!!

    And random but my parents have a puppy named Cooper too!

  2. Prayers coming your way! Hope everything goes well with your dad!

  3. definitely praying i'm sorry to hear both are under the weather, hope your dad will be already! and your puppy's recovery will go smoothly

  4. My goodness! Praying for you! Hope everything goes well with your Dad and that your Cooper puppy recovers quickly!

  5. Oh my word! Praying for your father now! Praying it is nothing serious and that He will have a quick recovery!

    Hope Coop gets heals properly and no more surgeries!

  6. Praying for you, your family and your pup! I hope everything gets better!

  7. Definitely sending some prayers your way today! Hoping that nothing too serious is happaneing with your dad and that he will be just fine, and also hoping that your little pup heals quickly!

  8. Sending endless prayers your way!! Hope things get better soon!

  9. I will most definitely keep you in my thoughts and prayers! Hoping for a quick recovery of both your dad and pooch!


Sweet Thoughts(: