
Monday, October 24, 2011

Weekend Sum-Up

First off, I would like to thank you to everyone that sent well wishes last week for my dad! You all are SO sweet! I'm so appreciative of such a wonderful blogging community! He is home now and just fine! He had a a bad case of Vertigo which is new to me but apparently not that uncommon! Any who, this weekend I had a chance to go visit a friend of mine at UVA! You may remember her from this post and this post. This time my best friend Maghan (who is also my big and Hilary's twin.. so confusing) came with. We had the best time! I don't get to see Hilary often but when I do I am one happy girl! We started off with a wonderful dinner at Blue Light Grill in downtown Charlottesville. Afterwards we went to see  an occapello singing group called the Hullabahoos. They were absolutely amazing and so cute! We then went to a fraternity progressive and a few bars!

The next day we grabbed a bite to eat at Bodo's. They have the best bagels!! I was introduced to the everything bagel with vegetable cream cheese and it was delicious! Once we were full and dressed we headed to tailgate and to the UVA VS. NC State football game! We never actually made it in the game but had the best time tailgating! The views at UVA are my favorite part. I think I could get used to living in the Mountains (Appalachian for grad school possibility?!)

We ended the weekend with an amazing breakfast and Hilary's parents house. Another bonus to visiting UVA- her sweet family!!

Sorry for the picture overload! I have tons more but just had to share these. It was an amazing weekend and I'm sad to be back home. Now I have to get back into school mode before homecoming/Halloween this weekend. Did yall have wonderful weekend?


  1. I loved reading this post! It sounds a lot my weekends as a fellow college student! I go to Appalachian now and my boyfriend is dying to go to UVA for grad. school! Too funny!

  2. What a fun weekend! I always love visiting friends from other schools, it's always a nice change! I go t Appalachian now! I love it (minus all the ridiculous snow :))

  3. Looks like an amazing weekend! I love living in the mountains and UVA is beautiful!

  4. Looks like so much fun! I've never visited UVA but it looks beautiful!

  5. I'm a new reader of your blog. So cute! Also, did I see the zta crown in your pics!?

  6. Looks like a fun weekend! I just love everyone's outfits!



Sweet Thoughts(: