
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It just take a moment

I don't know if it is the holidays or if I am just feeling extra kind but lately I have been really noticing how far a simple act of kindness can go. I started thinking about it after a friend of mine was explaining how stressful things are right now for her and how she was having a very unpleasant day. She went on to tell me that she was feeling very discouraged when she was in line at Starbucks. She was about to check out when she realized she didn't have her wallet with her. To her surprise the man behind her overhead what was going on and stepped in and handed the cashier money for her coffee. My friend went on to tell me how uplifting it made her feel for a complete stranger to go out of their way to do something nice. It was only a few dollars but to her it was worth a million.

It is easy to get carried away with our day to day lives and forget to stop and do something for someone other than ourselves. Even the slightest act of kindness could change someones entire day. I was messing around on Pinterest (no surprise) and came across the following link. This girl celebrated her 38th birthday by completing 38 random acts of kindness. You HAVE to read about it here. What an awesome way to spend your birthday! I am going to make it my goal to do think of others a little more and do kind things just because.

“But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men” Luke 6:35


  1. Love this post. Sometimes we all have to remind ourselves of these things. I am heading over to read the 38 acts of kindness. Have a great Tuesday!


  2. I cried the whole time, reading the 38th birthday post. It was so touching. I love to make someone's day. Last semester, the man at the post office let me mail all my internship paperwork, that had to go out that day (even though I was 37 cents short). A couple days later, I wrote him a thank-you card, with the money taped inside and dropped it off. He was so blown away, it made my day as well.


Sweet Thoughts(: