
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Stuffed Jalapenos'

Over Thanksgiving break I learned how to make a stuffed jalapeno peppers! They were easy as can be and just delicious! This Friday night is my sorority's Semi Formal. Before we head out to dance our hearts away a few of the seniors are getting together for appetizers and wine. I have decided I am going to make these stuffed jalapenos' to bring. I know there are lots of events similar to this coming up so I wanted to share the recipe.

1. Slice the jalapeno in half and take out the middle part.
[Note to self: We learned at this part just how hot
peppers can be! Don't touch your eyes!]

2. Soften 2 cream cheese packets

3. Combine cream cheese, 3/4 bag shredded cheddar
cheese and chopped up green onion. Mix and fill hollow jalapenos.

4. Wrap stuffed jalapenos in bacon

5. Bake at 350

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Looks delicious, such a great appetizer! Plus I love anything with bacon! Have fun at your Semi Formal's!

  2. yum! I've been wanting to try these,I'll definitely check it out!

  3. These look delicious! Just found your blog...super cute!

  4. Oh wow!! This looks delicious! I have bought these frozen before, but I bet homemade ones are much tastier! Have fun at semi-formal!!


Sweet Thoughts(: