
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Let's Read

Finding time to read during senior year of college is quite the challenge. If I'm lucky I squeeze in a few pages before bed normally falling asleep with the book still open. If it's a very good one it's a different story! Then I read until I finish and realize it's 3am and I have to wake up in a few hours. I'm hoping with Christmas break coming up I can catch up on a few books I have been wanting to read since this summer! My list is starting to grow pretty long. Let me know if you have read any of these or have any suggestions of other books to add to the list!
I've seen this book on tons of blogs and can no longer wait- it's a must read over break! There is an article about this book by The Washington Times here

This is a book I wanted to read this summer but ran out of time. Decision Points sounds so interesting to me! It's George Bush's view of what happened during the 2000 election, aboard Air Force One during the attacks of September 11, and into the Situation Room moments before the start of the war in Iraq.

I'm currently reading this book after receiving a free autographed copy from Mr. Ron Clark himself! I had the chance to hear him speak at a teaching fellow convention this summer at Elon College. As a future teacher I find him extremely inspiring. When I finish this book I plan on reading The Essential 55 as well!

This is one that has been sitting by my bed for a few weeks. I'll get to it soon! ..hopefully

Have you read any of these or have any other suggestions?
Don't forget to ask me questions here or by commenting on this post. I'll be doing a post soon with anything and everything you'd like to know(:


  1. I read the Friday Night Knitting Club. I wanted to cry when I was done because I felt like I was losing close friends... You will love it.

    Have you read The Help? I was a late comer on that one but loved it too!

  2. all of those books look good! Especially the Audrey, Friday Night Knitting, and George BUsh!

  3. I just started reading "The 10 Women You'll Be Before You're 35." The first chapter is all about The New Graduate, perfect for us seniors!

  4. I have all the Ron Clark Books they are so great. I loved hearing him at my teaching fellows retreat!
    I am also starting the book How to be a hepburn in a hilton world for Ashley and Crystals blogger book club.. are you in it?

  5. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Ron Clark! That is so exciting that you met him! I have read the Essential 55 and have Molasses Classes on my reading list for over Christmas too! We can chat about it afterwards (time allowing). My fiancee and I both read Decision Points over break and it was WONDERFUL! I'm about to start How to be a Hepburn in a Hilton Word this weekend (for mine and Crystal's book club!). You should join!

    I hope you have a wonderful break! I know you are more than reader for a little down time like me!

  6. I want to read all of these now! :) I can never find the time to read!

  7. That's one of the (many) reasons I've been wanting Christmas break to come already-there are so many books I want to read! Until I finish the Hunger Games though, I can't start anything new. I want to read the first two on your list, I think those are next up on mine too now!

  8. Hepburn in a hilton world is on my must read list too!!

  9. I definitely agree with adding "The Hunger Games" to your list. Also, anything by Jen Lancaster is worth a read! I'm adding "Hepburn In A Hilton World" to my list too:-)

  10. All of these are on my list, but I haven't gotten to them yet. I think my next reads will be Condellezza's new book, Unbroken and Heaven can wait! :)

  11. I have not read any of those but they all sound like good choices. I'm a senior too and can completely relate to you about how hard it is to squeeze in a good read. Next semester, I'm doing an independent study with my favorite professor. I get to basically create my own class, which she will then use as a template for another semester. I'm required to read 12 fiction novels and come up with discussion and project ideas... sorry I'm rambling, but I'M THRILLED!

    My current list:

    Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
    A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
    A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving
    The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
    The Help by Kathryn Stockett

    Have a great day!

  12. Seriously EVERY single one of these books is on my reading list too! I'm excited to read them all but I really want to read Ron Clark's! Good picks :)

  13. I'm so glad that I'm not the only one with an ever-growing must-read list! I only like reading when I can lay in bed all day and have nothing else to do, so Christmas break is going to be perfect!

  14. I cannot agree with you any more! I seem to never have any time to read during the schoolyear, so now that my semester is over I'm heading to the library. All of these books are on my list as well. Although I have read a few. I absolutely loved The Friday Night Knitting Club!


Sweet Thoughts(: