
Wednesday, December 14, 2011


It's that time again! I'm linking up with Jamie over at This Kind of Love for a WILW post!

I'm loving that I have my LAST final today. Next semester I have my internship so I officially will never have to take an undergraduate class again!

I'm loving that I finally have a hair appointment tomorrow. My hair needs a trim BAD!

I'm loving the questions I have been asked. Keep asking them here! They can be about anything, I will post answers later this week!

I'm loving the the book suggestion I got from a fellow blogger yesterday. It's called The 10 Women You'll be Before You're 35. I ordered it on amazon for only $1.oo before shipping cost!

I'm loving that in just a few days I will be home for Christmas break and can see all of my family and friends!

I'm loving that I was walking on campus in the Education building and stumbled across my picture hanging on a bulletin board!

I'm loving my pinterest finds this week...

"If Santa was stuck in my chimney I would..."


  1. I really need a trim too! Might have to go when I'm done with finals and home =]

  2. I finished my exams today too! So glad you ordered the book, I just finished reading the second chapter "Dollarless Diva" at the gym, very true and funny!

  3. I love buying things on Amazon! Never found anything for $1 though, that's great! YAY for finals being over! :)

  4. Thanks for playing along!

    I love getting my hair cut too :)


Sweet Thoughts(: