
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Lets talk hair

Let me just start by saying I am in no way a hair expert! I am constantly afraid of damaging my hair to the point of no repair. I started growing my hair out last year as well as got highlights for the first time. Since then I have noticed it's much harder to keep colored/long hair healthy!! I have a routine I use to cut back on hair damage but am always looking for new solutions and tips to keep in mind. With colder weather approaching I need solutions to keep my hair healthy pronto!! After doing a little research and talking to my hair dresser here are some techniques I will be using:

 Loosing hair when I get out of the shower

Stress along with colder weather causes this! Maybe now that the semester is finished my stress level will go down! Sleep, water and exercise help also!!

Don't wash your hair every day. It strips out the natural oil your scalp produces causing dryness. This is easier said than done! I still find the need to wash my hair every day.

Dead Ends

Get your hair trimmed on a regular basis.
I'm worlds worst when it comes to this! Whenever I finally go in
for a haircut my dead ends have surpassed bad and become horrific.

Keep your hair moisturized by using leave in conditioners
I currently use, on a daily basis:

Damage from heating tools
I will not stop using my hair dryer/straightner. I will however..

Protect my hair from the heat! I use this every single day before I blow dry and again before I use my straightener!

Use a wide tooth comb with wet hair instead of a brush

Here's to pretty, healthy hair!


  1. I'm always losing hair... its so darn annoying! And oh my gosh, no, I'm the worlds worst when it comes to avoiding hair appointments and having split ends. My hair dresser told me my hair was disgusting the last time I went. Talk about embarrassing! Great tips - I definitely need to work on protecting my hair from heat more!

  2. Good tips! I am always afraid about the heat damage too, so I try to let my hair air-dry whenever I can but I usually don't have the time! I will have to look into getting that product your using for heat damage!

  3. I'm actually pretty crazy about keeping my hair healthy. I find that I condition it probably too often, but I love how smooth it is, and I don't have split ends.

  4. Have you tried dry shampoo? Tresemme has some in their line that is AMAZING. It's four dollars for a spray can and, oh so wondrous. I have started using it after weight workouts at the gym to cut back on washing. Come home and shower with a shower cap on, or your hair in a bun, then blow dry the sweaty/damp spots, and then go to town with the dry shampoo!

    Let sit for a few minutes (maybe while you do your make-up) then brush it out and wah-lah! Oiliness gone! If you feel too powdery after, blow dry again!

    I have put my hair up and worn it down in curls after this... Both turn out so nicely.

  5. I am really good about using my CHI heat protect but probably should look into a leave in.. How do you like the one you use?

  6. This is too funny! I'm the same way too! Every time I go to see my stylist, I ask if it looks healthy.. every time she says... "It's the healthiest head of hair I cut!" haha. I've most recently purchased CHI heat protectant and Moroccan Oil- which is my new obsession!

    Cheers to healthy hair! :)

  7. love this! i have learned to not wash my hair everyday and it has become so much more healthy!

  8. I just chopped my hair short again (after growing it out and having it long for about a year) and I can definitely say that long hair gets so much more knotty! Good tips!


Sweet Thoughts(: